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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题七十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. At the Shadybrook dog kennel, all the adult animals were given a new medi-: _* t5 b4 B: k0 g$ g1 o- K
cation designed to reduce a dog's risk of contracting a certain common
7 G/ \- G$ a$ y$ d) yinfection.  Several days after the medication was administered, most of the
6 B- t! Q0 v/ N4 mpuppies of these dogs had elevated temperatures.  Since raised body temp-/ K$ H4 R1 J* m0 H
erature is a side effect of this medication, the kennel owner hypothesized
& J' D3 ^: E$ u+ rthat the puppies' elevated temperatures resulted from the medication's being 3 N7 z3 h6 {  E& \, {  H# H7 a
passed to them through their mothers' milk.  3 l' C0 O7 E" R
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the kennel owner's
7 L, \- H4 }- Khypothesis?/ Y$ T* l6 V& m% ~$ l
     A  Some puppies have been given the new medication directly but have not
- k: S& l1 Y* ?! S7 \9 W& r% B( N& s       suffered elevated temperatures as a side effect.  
6 v$ o- y4 a4 P6 H   B   The new medication has been well received by dog breeders as a safe
4 k" e3 W. ^3 R8 v1 ^" l, ?       and effective way of preventing the spread of certain common canine . K7 q" C5 A6 v4 k) I& U2 k
       infections.  8 P8 t( E6 y; ]
   C   None of the four puppies in the kennel who had been bottle-fed with for-( m5 [* o8 `. @
       mula had elevated temperatures.  1 T: z, H+ |) A1 Y7 H; ?
    D  An elevated temperature is a side effect of a number of medications for . d4 `5 Z; e* K2 M8 l/ Y
       dogs other than the new medication administered at the kennel.  
: ?- v/ t  C: z) k3 p0 L   E  Elevated temperatures such as those suffered by most of the puppies % U. p4 ~  L7 Q. G! t2 J4 m
       in the kennel rarely have serious long-term effects on a puppy's health.  & V2 _" ]( A! j& m! x6 a, L/ N/ a. K
答案 C

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