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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
446. The patient bore the pain ________ , neither wincing nor whimpering when the incision was made.
  a  Q% }" a# S4 v    (A) histrionically & N4 p9 x. E4 I, M8 B% m' {
    (B) stoically : w7 m0 H9 c5 x
    (C) sardonically # L& Z9 p$ Z+ V1 f) ^7 p6 }
    (D) poorly
: e- K  F0 ?. H3 O# n2 d    (E) marginally * \+ {" s. n% {5 o+ L* Z$ ^0 C# Q
% W) Q$ V1 ^0 }; ]+ |447. The periodic nature of her complaints began to concern us: alarmed by these ________ attacks, we decided to consult a doctor in spite of her opposition.
4 Q( O7 `* O6 b" Q' @' M# K/ Y    (A) trivial
! y5 |' k( d% e$ P/ m6 @9 J1 D+ r    (B) recurrent 5 V& M6 u( V* S  a8 i* d8 w
    (C) superficial
0 t% c( y6 a: h% q    (D) spontaneous  , c" {8 g8 s# v+ J
    (E) tentative , A) _2 j: I% ^" Z
% a5 ], K- n  L, F0 i& M3 F448. The philosopher Auguste Comte ________ the term altruism to ________ unselfish regard for the welfare of others. ! B3 ^( n9 I! w
    (A) avoided ...  rationalize
6 r5 A/ N: W  g6 B    (B) coined ...  denote 3 q+ r* B: m. u$ Z! D; d- n9 s
    (C) applied ...  lessen 0 K' Z# ^- M0 ~' C* U1 f; M' |
    (D) explained ...  refute ) N/ r0 V3 @$ @5 \" b" i
    (E) understood ... terminate
! C3 y1 i: n: t1 }+ R: n  ' e" F% Y/ r0 L; w/ p  ^# ?% H  f
449. The plot of the motion picture Hoosiers is ________ ; we have all seen this story, the tale of an underdog team going on to win a championship, in one form or another countless times. 6 }8 L9 x; B& R
    (A) inept   _& }0 ?7 G# a& C6 C, k! h& X
    (B) absorbing 2 G4 U( p! c9 ]0 C- ~
    (C) intricate ( V. Q/ ]: I0 Z2 H- P0 z
    (D) controversial
; ~2 u6 M  S% H8 E    (E) trite * l" w2 W) h3 k6 Y9 w; d
$ I* S0 b- j% n- ]: t450. The plot of this story is so ________ that I can predict the outcome.
5 x$ G) Q3 ~" U) s) `% E" L! p    (A) intricate + M5 F6 |) t/ S, o! I4 P- p
    (B) theoretical
  s. J; O, E& ?. {& V& p+ e    (C) pivotal % J8 n( r6 J1 }+ Q
    (D) trite : R0 F5 G  ~/ d- _8 r3 M$ m; x% k
    (E) fictitious

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