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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
461 The stereotypical image of masculinity assumes that weeping is ________ "unmanly" behavior, and not simply a human reaction which may be ________ by either sex. , ~+ ?! j% A9 S- b% u+ E
    (A) inexplicably ... repented 5 K- T  Y' K) ?2 S! ~0 i
    (B) excessively ... discerned % z7 [8 ?* X8 V, p2 q! ?) k
    (C) essentially ... defined
% _, _0 h1 E. T. L' }    (D) inherently ... adopted
7 o/ [. G. @' W: G& P( {    (E) intentionally ... exaggerated
6 F( \" R: R, a2 _  
: s4 t0 L! e. n- e462. The surgeons were worried about the possibility of finding ________ growth in the patient.
4 T( g$ f8 N8 K1 W+ K, P    (A) a benign
4 Z3 h) |6 W! I, ]1 x4 t    (B) a superficial " x) p  I& }' e* f1 t4 A
    (C) an organic   M1 N; _7 X) T: F& g
    (D) an operable
2 Y$ j7 t/ d& z    (E) a malignant
& F4 a. V. }, r4 R1 w- N8 L  
( r; R+ ^4 `. a/ A' b7 H463. The systems analyst hesitated to talk to strangers about her highly specialized work, fearing it was too ________ for people uninitiated in the computer field to understand.
8 K- G  a, p, X$ X. @    (A) intriguing
  X* t8 B, M* d4 V+ Y    (B) derivative 3 t4 X  G- u$ o7 R8 J
    (C) frivolous
+ M  b+ o, F: q; E  |% b, ?    (D) esoteric 5 E/ k3 x+ ~# B" Z" f; M( l
    (E) rudimentary
& m7 s+ e0 B. @8 Z  . ]+ }' r( F- K. [4 E
464. The tapeworm is an example of ________ organism, one that lives within or on another creature, deriving some or all of its nutriment from its host.
) F/ I  p% C* E7 j    (A) a hospitable
+ @/ A; q/ r3 S' P' I8 y! x    (B) an exemplary / J% x1 x' _% H  u- N1 u
    (C) a parasitic 9 Y, O! {- K7 A9 j) B+ ?
    (D) an autonomous  ! S8 t6 Q3 b5 m! Q' `+ Q
    (E) a protozoan
) S$ A8 Q) M* S+ I, J) j  
) v  N6 I* @: B7 a465. The teacher suspected cheating as soon as he noticed the pupil’s ________ `glances at his classmate’s paper.
6 [! f% a- Y6 `1 D7 f$ t+ c% F. n$ n    (A) futile                    (B) sporadic
; P/ ?( r# t4 C- F( k    (C) furtive                   (D) cold
0 _. F  @+ _- l4 W: }: _    (E) inconsequential
2 {! O" z' n; G0 X; e DEDCC

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