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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
466. The term mole rat is a ________ , for these small, furless rodents are neither moles nor rats.
, v/ n6 s) F6 [% ^    (A) pseudonym
- s2 K: y' M# @) f% M4 F$ M) h    (B) digression
( s9 [' c$ d, z1 t/ I  l; A; g    (C) misnomer
' i- v: `# X+ v8 N- X6 B1 z8 j$ [    (D) nonentity ) g+ v; j- U% {8 I5 K/ V
    (E) preference ; G+ U& s1 ^6 O! Q8 w( F% a
) z. g/ _; Z% O- j! e467. The testimony of eyewitnesses is notoriously ________ ; emotion and excitement all too often cause our minds to distort what we see. : A; Z& w$ k/ C3 m
    (A) judicious   \$ @' v( n7 S) `" m2 R$ Y' W
    (B) interdependent
: b+ L/ z" q- I! S7 r$ v; B    (C) credible . V1 v$ @& C+ r
    (D) unreliable , O8 S. z+ o! O3 W; Y: L7 F
    (E) gratifying
, X4 k1 |+ X+ T9 s6 H7 b9 u  9 Z6 c4 d: X2 r
468. The text brims with details, but there are no overarching theses to ________ them.
8 Q. ?! f% \9 s7 B, T4 o: y    (A) specify
8 y0 M' v; U/ v7 k8 j6 X$ ]1 z    (B) exaggerate : M$ r! G+ C* T+ i6 u5 Z
    (C) confound
3 Y7 d; Q9 U- N: k    (D) unify
) `: T* u( I2 L  f9 w; H. Q. `    (E) modify
6 b4 N' d' _; R: M  
) ?! C. O% u; f& f$ U469. The thought of being trapped in a stalled elevator terrifies me; it brings out all my ________ fears of small, enclosed places. 7 g1 L% Q& n; E7 \
    (A) agoraphobic % ?* ]! `: |0 }7 \" \, k
    (B) kleptomaniac
# e1 @& c: ~% j6 b0 M; x    (C) hypochondriac : i% y. y- N) Y) {7 M0 y* d
    (D) therapeutic " _0 _4 d" t. U- J# Z% |6 K
    (E) claustrophobic 5 J' d4 B8 |+ v2 w! ^7 }+ ?
  ! [* _# ]0 _9 P" Y. E+ j. y- [2 c
470. The true historian finds the facts about Marlowe and Shakespeare far more interesting than people’s unfounded ________ . - U8 r# g% e" `# ?, H2 O
    (A) complaints % M0 v  ^& _2 T) W$ H9 P
    (B) evidence
( t5 l- l$ S3 |& l& R  U: K    (C) conjectures 8 B% |7 I6 z- H0 k: Q" P9 e" I
    (D) qualms
" J  _5 f( ~7 r# _" Q    (E) certainty

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