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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
471. The typist made no effort to be ________ ; she double-spaced the first and third letter, then single-spaced the second, fourth, and fifth letters. - ?# e5 ~- B$ |
    (A) consistent 9 I* L. [; y0 C$ P- ]
    (B) prompt
9 n$ p- J2 W# G7 m0 K- b    (C) amicable 2 \, \, c) @+ Y1 l% N  A( k: V9 h
    (D) courteous
3 @- x% z- Y4 C, [" m- O  `    (E) considerate % t4 z4 V6 Y+ L% W) ?
4 D0 n, p% A( x! T# c, r5 J472. The villagers fortified the town hall, hoping this improvised ________ could ________ them from the guerrilla raids.
# z' S+ F6 P9 O; P    (A) stronghold ... alienate 0 j3 j0 K2 R* I" G
    (B) refuge ... distinguish
& \; T$ K$ i6 G# q& W" U    (C) bastion ... protect
- w6 Y0 _  g5 j% D+ m% J( I$ B    (D) venture ... intimidate
3 I$ Z4 V, n; U: l* W+ Y3 z    (E) disguise ... safeguard + S' y  G% q4 c9 m. H9 q: V
  n! k6 X& Q+ O/ Y+ w( R( i* T473. The younger members of the company resented the domineering and ________ manner of the office manager.
% U* L) e8 @( k& [. v    (A) urbane
( ^- m' R5 u4 Y" P    (B) prudent 4 K9 D  ]. b' H! H( e
    (C) convivial . M  J3 C( d; J. Z" j
    (D) imperious ( I4 X  s1 ]3 n4 y( r
    (E) objective
. y7 D5 b# G) X' n1 i! _9 W8 y  
) l6 r) a# Q9 I0 ?/ E9 D4 E1 |' ?7 d474. Their married life was not ________ since it was fraught with bitter fighting and arguments. " z/ m' T, V' L2 h# P
    (A) nubile 7 L! o% s5 t8 @3 B0 u  Z/ j  |* U5 |
    (B) tranquil 8 V  m  x( j' U+ r
    (C) obvious 6 n! A! D, n: n9 K5 R. R
    (D) cogent / T# a; E3 F8 K8 a/ H
    (E) imminent
' l6 z% r1 s, f: w1 I, }8 F  " a+ p8 J2 T, `6 b6 V; Z
475. There are too many ________ and not enough serious workers.
! y/ ?$ ?$ |5 R    (A) sycophants 6 `1 I/ [4 J5 p) c. \
    (B) kleptomaniacs
" q6 _4 \. k9 A0 \- p& v    (C) novices ) n( A, S, l+ J. n
    (D) dilettantes * J, d5 l& x  j
    (E) zealots # v! p7 t, {  N8 G- T- B) d* }7 ]$ a4 r

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