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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
476. There is nothing ________ or provisional about Moore’s early critical pronouncements; she deals ________ with what were then radical new developments in poetry.
( @# z# R8 U; A: G  c% m    (A) tentative ... confidently
: F9 W' n8 P/ f" i    (B) positive ... expertly
) F; R) M$ I  U, U1 o# R    (C) dogmatic ... arbitrarily 8 L( e1 {! r6 b: D6 o1 r
    (D) shallow ... superficially
3 y) O) X* v$ P: {  p! r) n% g    (E) imprecise ... inconclusively 4 Q# |$ Z$ o3 m% Q
+ I* u: P; Z9 g$ p477. There was some stagecraft behind the supposedly ________ moments photographed by Doisneau; in a legal dispute last year, Doisneau ________ that he had paid two models to pose for his famous The Kiss at the Hotel de Ville. . l7 s$ u0 f; M2 M
    (A) innocent ... disproved
3 Q( S* n3 y% a9 [, p2 [) m1 M    (B) candid ... acknowledged ( }* W+ [. g; T/ P8 k* @
    (C) theatrical ... regretted   j9 U: _4 D( t
    (D) affected ... intimated : v- E0 z7 l+ @& ~4 i& c
    (E) spontaneous ... urged - t1 [- d# v- R' @7 X4 t1 ~
  ; B9 j7 j( d1 V0 r, o
478. There were ________ in her nature that made her seem an ________ enigma: she was severe and gentle; she was modest and disdainful; she longed for affection and was cold.
5 h# k- n/ n& Y6 L- n. g    (A) aspirations ... irreducible ) e2 D) j) G  V( h- [! J% R
    (B) contradictions ... inexplicable $ ]+ U  e9 g' ~% H2 C6 n$ s1 B
    (C) distortions ... impetuous
- ^# D% }1 @: f4 Y& e* A" a: R2 z% D    (D) disparities ... interminable ' g& ^& F3 j$ K9 x% o8 n9 @: L$ ]
    (E) incongruities ... irrelevant
4 F; f/ \8 T% X0 [, _  
/ _" b% g5 Y( \4 ?* @4 @& M& z+ y479. These regulations are so ________ that we feel we have lost all our privileges.
0 x" m1 `1 u# U+ x* \8 O9 h) t    (A) stringent
& k$ |2 T+ G5 p' x2 g! F    (B) aristocratic
* _- q# y0 o* a2 N    (C) redundant % {6 W1 r4 l1 F$ ?' w
    (D) specious 5 R9 P6 M3 W  @
    (E) garish 0 V8 V1 j8 n- ^
5 s9 l1 I' {/ G5 G* P480. These sporadic raids seem to indicate that the enemy is waging a war of ________ rather than attacking us directly.
: s" c+ R  W9 b2 r4 Z8 ~! x5 ?    (A) retribution
1 ^: u$ H3 a" b" \- J% B- C, z, U3 U    (B) attrition
. Z0 E* O+ N8 t8 o+ Z    (C) conquest
8 Q* _; h- ^- D  [  C    (D) subversion   r! {2 R4 Y4 D( v) t& u
    (E) words . V  c5 v6 ~& N8 M

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