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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
486. Though Phil had expected to feel overawed when he met Joe Montana, he found the world-famous quarterback friendly and________.
" G1 k  j1 A; o# a! B' }5 m4 w    (A) querulous
% l- U; x0 e4 e4 \8 |( S8 P    (B) acerbic
  p7 y  C, k4 z# M1 v6 {( _% ?    (C) domineering 6 J+ V6 Q. T: B) a/ t7 Q! ?) c
    (D) unintimidating ; d$ |" A- C/ h, P6 \
    (E) taciturn + {0 o4 k0 P& y& s) i5 [. P
8 c' @/ P$ U* Z6 x- T# I5 P487. Though Socrates was ________ by his students who found truth in his teachings, his philosophy constituted ________ to the existent government. 5 C& m: ?! ?5 \8 x
    (A) accepted ... a benefit / ?. t+ I. r! S! ?8 C$ @/ ?$ x
    (B) denied ... an innovation
, M) a& a+ ^' d$ ?! {  U    (C) appraised ... an exception
; t4 d/ `1 |7 [. B! f    (D) slighted ... a challenge 7 a- j+ r9 E4 l0 F! |
    (E) revered ... a threat
2 g: Z  ~$ V2 I3 L) a, C( W  
- ]# T3 t4 i5 N, O0 J) }4 b2 r488. Though critic John Simon seldom has a good word to say about most contemporary plays, his review of All in the Timing was a total ________. 2 X' y7 z) M9 G/ L, J4 e1 [, z
    (A) mistake ) S8 x+ k9 g. X% c/ c3 F( a# W) x% g
    (B) dismissal % R5 Y6 b% y4 S- c
    (C) fraud " C( j' j2 o- f& O  l$ W# c
    (D) rave
: J  u$ ?5 |: B+ q" G    (E) farce
3 P# G. w8 N6 N) Q% m) u  : o* s$ B, y! ~' @# K3 u
489. Though financially successful, the theater season, once again, is more noted for its ________ than for its original productions. + O. X& X) I& [, ]/ ~- j" E+ b1 e0 ^
    (A) musicals                           (B) revivals 4 ~7 s- H7 _- J0 t0 t' }4 `
    (C) failures                            (D) rehearsals $ e- W7 M8 ?3 z
    (E) commercials 1 ~" m; \& w3 K! [. I
* D5 f4 P9 M- U8 [4 z5 B  o; X7 v9 r* {* }490. Though masterminded by the Metropolitan Museum’s Guy Bauman, this survey of Flemish paintings in America was clearly a ________ operation, aided by scholars throughout North America. " b) f+ F1 _3 k9 ]2 V; C
    (A) marginal
  Y1 {6 [5 M+ V* i    (B) derivative
9 z( g+ D/ C( x& ^    (C) worthwhile ! _  i3 U- r. O9 c1 r
    (D) circuitous
, Q  D$ W4 d# c! H0 p    (E) collective 7 k9 p  V2 z: i1 g, @9 Y, V

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