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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题九十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
491. Though ostensibly teaching posture, Feher brings into play techniques of ballet, yoga, and vocal projection to come up with lessons that can best be described as ________. 4 O3 {9 h9 k- N% y7 ?
    (A) problematic
5 F, ^0 m+ c/ K8 e$ C& F    (B) eclectic " F9 s1 W% a$ m; a& y8 O
    (C) homogeneous   e+ x9 |$ p2 Q5 T& a
    (D) unpretentious & x* O6 D% F/ G) d3 q1 x7 `/ A( I
    (E) doctrinaire * p; C# v4 W4 z
  % B! ~+ _& d- x) H0 F
492. Though set in a mythical South American country, Isabel Allende’s novel is ________ the tragic history of Chile. & D. W/ r3 o4 Z9 x  j
    (A) irrelevant to
9 T# `  Y' m" I( r    (B) rooted in
# m$ v; v, R! ]- G* h7 F    (C) inconsistent with * V9 t: ^) s5 c8 B) ]! y
    (D) exceeded by & D7 d, t0 X$ B$ Y( b( |
    (E) indifferent to
+ E+ e+ c3 [" T5 F9 O  ) s6 H, }  T3 \# F& y
493. Though she tried to be happy living with Clara in the city, Heidi ________ for the mountains and for her gruff but loving grandfather. / |5 N* I  S8 [
    (A) pined                   (C) cheered   o: l+ z+ R. M: _, y0 O2 R
    (B) searched                 (D) labored
4 L: J* {* i  D- j8 v" o    (E) trembled " X2 p7 v9 `4 b1 a' P: f7 A
  # N# K# J) `2 q
494. Though the ad writers had come up with a highly creative campaign to publicize the company’s newest product, the head office rejected it for a more ________, down-to-earth approach. ! W/ _4 n  {" }( q
    (A) innovative
5 z' p* }* a; y; Y& J    (B) drastic * E) o& B* _- H& w9 ]0 l
    (C) prosaic # Z" t( m3 q, a/ Q/ p
    (D) noteworthy
0 k. B* F; {: F2 y- R    (E) philosophic
9 H) M3 l* n/ `# k3 ?) N  
1 f/ R1 M$ h3 ~. x495. Through her work at the Center for the Family in Transition, Wallerstein has come to see divorce not as a single circumscribed event but as a process that begins during the failing marriage and extends over many years, a ________ of changing family relationships. ! G# z$ w) [* `6 Z* J2 Q7 f1 P
    (A) continuum
/ A9 D7 @+ e2 U5 t( F$ X5 }4 w    (B) termination
  h, \: F0 Y( [  J0 h    (C) parody , V1 B6 X3 y0 G# H6 u
    (D) denial
1 ~4 E5 \! F0 n& S    (E) curtailment
, s$ I- I: c% U  Q BBACA

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