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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题一百零三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
511. Unlike W. E.B. Dubois, who was ________ of the vocational emphasis in black education, Booker T. Washington favored ________ the limited funds available for educating blacks to programs that prepared people for practical jobs.
$ s* r: O5 X3 n+ C3 A2 P% G    (A) critical … restricting
6 h5 F+ T  |6 A9 G( |% T; _/ k6 K    (B) aware … confining
& P! C" M  [7 ^, e  I- N    (C) suspicious … denying
6 K, X7 {4 @. E4 l2 L    (D) protective … allotting
  t! J( {* t% _# B( x' Z% }4 y    (E) appreciative … allocating ! Z' ]; A3 V$ [; s" G: O0 g
' L5 Z8 i1 G' j7 T5 X: [) Z' y512. Unlike her sister, the Widow Douglass, who ________ Huck’s minor offenses, Miss Watson did nothing but scold the boy.
9 D0 l7 W# O0 B- M: n! O    (A) believed
! C+ k$ }8 K) u5 S- g    (B) rebuked 2 @/ Z( H; |% k$ P& c6 I( F0 b
    (C) condoned
# J& _1 N& ^5 \* {+ t' _. j2 L    (D) evaded
! R' x  Z- |: y5 ?5 |5 ~    (E) corroborated
" S1 Q/ i  Y$ {6 H. a  
3 T. W5 M+ N5 G* c! f! t! ^513. Unlike the highly ________ Romantic poets of the previous century, Arnold and his fellow Victorian poets were ________ and interested in moralizing.
' Z* F9 s$ C! O" ?    (A) rhapsodic ... lyrical * n4 O$ m3 g3 J5 _
    (B) frenetic ... distraught 7 \6 t& B$ @3 z$ u( w  N* |
    (C) emotional ... didactic
) R7 b  _2 r9 W, B    (D) sensitive ... strange
5 Y! d2 H( X" g! @* I4 I( x    (E) dramatic ... warped
& O* m+ w7 Z4 Q) B7 B; D$ }; {  
1 m. _/ y- d; X5 }, v3 K- Q514. Untempered by any ________, she spread an ever more militant message to her followers. 8 G. E7 l  A1 K# L& w
    (A) conviction
$ i/ ?. W! o6 g4 @' z/ g! |    (B) enthusiasm 9 ?$ y3 T0 T- Y+ u
    (C) radicalism 8 z. C. R' I* H  H$ f3 S
    (D) hardship
+ c7 a& _" M, G3 ^, Y) Z    (E) moderation - F) ^" G1 k; O# b" g
2 r4 f* O3 |) A/ v# E4 E515. Upon realizing that his position was ________, the general ________ his men to retreat to a neighboring hill. ) }1 p/ C! B* |1 l+ D! ]5 T7 f
    (A) valuable ... admonished 4 K% V; C' u; P) i7 w
    (B) untenable ... ordered
4 v0 ?& c; ?: t% S    (C) overrated ... forbade & \- Y$ e1 }0 ~6 G* Q% `1 z
    (D) exposed ... urged # a. E) w; O4 p6 P, E$ {+ N. I* T
    (E) salubrious ... commanded 2 K* S1 Q  j; A. f# T

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