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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列二十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Although scientists observe that an organ-
9 l$ G% P3 D3 n1 q' ]0 A/ w+ xism’s behavior falls into rhythmic patterns,  : |; s3 s/ q! e- r, L5 c
they disagree about how these patterns are    m- M* G: W1 @- K1 ^( ?# k
affected when the organism is transported to a  
8 P  q( |" ^5 Y(5) new environment. One experimenter, Brown,  
0 F2 l1 ?# x- fbrought oysters from Connecticut waters to  
% ^1 q1 _! z" M: n$ P1 AIllinois waters. She noted that the oysters  ' @& G. y6 M+ V  ~1 N) s9 C
initially opened their shells widest when it was  
7 N: u! R9 k- ~  Vhigh tide in Connecticut, but that after fourteen  
# ]# m9 M% S# S) b: ^(10)days their rhythms had adapted to the tide  
3 G2 i& x( S6 Y0 Yschedule in Illinois. Although she could not  : x: Y' O7 |) p# \
posit an unequivocal causal relationship  ( x6 f' E: l% q
between behavior and environmental change,  
4 e' I* _9 z: |Brown concluded that a change in tide schedule  % h1 [7 D% U3 w/ J+ m
(15)is one of several possible exogenous influences  
( M3 o1 s. F* t2 r$ t(those outside the organism) on the oysters’  
4 z1 j4 ^: l, B. Orhythms. Another experimenter, Hamner,  1 b1 \  {8 N+ a/ X
however, discovered that hamsters from Cali- 3 ~7 w" s$ m9 [8 }$ F
fornia maintain their original rhythms even  # z6 o. a1 q; E# `3 q# q
(20)at the South Pole. He concluded that endo- + `7 T/ S- S( o( v3 ~
genous influences (those inside the organism)  1 T3 L; X; j/ v5 y% |; `# {( V9 Q5 F
seem to affect an organism’s rhythmic behavior. ! F8 J4 f4 u2 t9 G/ r* t5 ]" U3 i
2 [9 n3 c8 |6 h' l$ \' g& i) q0 Y17. All of the following could be considered  0 f; Y5 O1 ?9 m! f; R# e; v9 r" J
   examples of exogenous influences on an  * V" o, I6 z, G8 E* `# A. S
   organism EXCEPT the influence of the  + P( v. w# c( N! Y% [# o+ {3 h
   (A) level of a hormone on a field mouse’s readi- 3 k% X- u  M9 b$ J( Q2 M+ n8 N: d
ness for mating  
( z5 r$ V* o, f  q; ^& J0 z3 t   (B) temperature of a region on a bear’s hiber-
/ m7 |% n4 A% ]0 F5 a  Lnation 8 y1 C, S# G% [) {# u2 G" {: n5 _
   (C) salt level of a river on a fish’s migration  
$ v7 s0 e+ i* u+ A1 V7 g: }   (D) humidity of an area on a cat’s shedding of  " S3 j9 K8 A6 q
     its fur # h0 m& {/ ~1 K5 {4 O2 @- F
   (E) proximity of an owl on a lizard’s searching  
! y0 D; P, v! N1 k9 l     for food  0 D- H' i+ p' f0 T/ x. d. c) s
  - C0 ]( v, Y* J
18. Which of the following statements best describes  5 K5 s6 D! v* s$ G# |2 V
the conclusion drawn by Brown (lines 14-17)?
5 E& @5 ^3 L) Z/ A" f5 {/ {   (A) A change in tide schedule is the primary  
8 R$ q- O; H, F" z; x     influence on an oyster’s rhythms.
' P9 X0 u. J! ~5 t6 b   (B) A change in tide schedule may be an  0 \% W  H4 }; i) h
     important exogenous influence on an  
6 l# H- N- v) K( M5 h- z     oyster’s rhythms.
4 ^# p) ~. N) R( f" ?* n) r   (C) Exogenous influences, such as a change in  1 P8 W- G0 `. w
     tide schedule, seldom affect an oyster’s  + M) c2 y5 f( P2 q3 E4 I  L
     rhythms. # f* H2 I( a' s: \! c8 q# i) A
   (D) Endogenous influences have no effect on an  5 {" M& T7 A6 A. k# U
oyster’s rhythms. # B4 b! u& d1 z) l  p; A" Y1 A
   (E) Endogenous influences are the only  ! F5 z0 e) ]3 h3 \' ]6 x
     influences on an oyster’s rhythms.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


19. The passage suggests that Brown’s study was  
4 N& q$ R$ c7 u- j# O) k& J   similar to Hamner’s in which of the following  0 d. q# k! d* ~
) G2 D1 `# {& P: [+ {9 p   Ⅰ. Both experimenters discovered that a  
4 C2 K  q  R7 y0 d2 p5 unew environment had a significant effect  . i2 d( m/ h4 s0 x/ i
on an organism’s behavioral rhythms.  
* H; U5 H3 i1 |   Ⅱ. Both experimenters observed an  3 V5 Q' h( `" p, d' `6 F
organism’s behavioral rhythms after the  8 P  Y  e/ ~  b% M# Z
organism had been transported to a new  
1 [" E# C" b- S* fenvironment.
+ @" F" o8 ^  H) \4 ^   Ⅲ. Both experimenters knew a organism’s  # P) ?# T/ \  K7 u
      rhythmic patterns in its original  
6 w) H: L3 v5 o1 W: U      environment. - x. l; ~) ?$ Z$ a+ d/ `
+ c. {8 n% I  y$ u, @3 h   (B)Ⅱonly  ( [3 d  \2 E' f
   (C)Ⅰand Ⅱ only  , V! F  ^) P! S1 F1 N2 F- H
   (D)Ⅱand Ⅲ only  # B- V% ^3 V# H0 g# B% L; U4 d1 @
   (E)Ⅰ,Ⅱ,and Ⅲ
, o9 A& S9 {) P) t  / g( a/ S4 f0 m  F# k9 q
20. Which of the following, if true, would most  
0 i8 D4 @/ J- {! m0 ?$ l   weaken Brown’s conclusion? ( P7 B+ L, h; A' ^! `; o
   (A) The oysters gradually closed their shells  
; q- i7 Q6 V2 l4 C$ ?- e: F3 \5 e     after high tide in Illinois had passed.  # i3 L" t# I" c9 G
   (B) The oysters’ behavioral rhythms main-
1 M# x. v  S6 s9 T2 Wtained their adaptation to the tide  
* o+ x1 s* ]* q& ]3 X& k/ j     schedule in Illinois throughout thirty  
1 P8 ~  b( s+ f/ R" b& Ldays of observation.
% u- S$ n, V" ]0 R   (C) Sixteen days after they were moved to  4 Y/ a% E( H- X! O$ U
     Illinois, the oysters opened their shells  ) p3 ]3 Y( d* V9 J9 ]
     widest when it was high tide in  8 P4 h" f1 F# c& f
" j* ~3 c% Y3 L( F4 [& J   (D) A scientist who brought Maryland oysters  
$ z% w5 ^7 a9 d  u1 D' s     to Maine found that the oysters opened  
) V+ i5 D& k1 A5 t) O     their shells widest when it was high tide  
0 t" v& D( T. l& }- Ain Maine. 3 m( Y5 C; |) _  p
   (E) In an experiment similar to Brown’s, a  
. L. a! ^8 j/ \  H/ W     scientist was able to establish a clear  # @. f3 K% N) g8 Q
causal relationship between environ-
6 k6 d0 O  l" y3 U/ b) `+ Fmental change and behavioral rhythms. ! u/ m8 Q7 S5 ]' w+ `
17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C
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