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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列五十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
If the student wishes to complete both math courses before taking any English
7 S. |5 y. M+ S0 ycourses, when must she take history courses? ! |& o1 k9 D. ~8 a3 O
November, December, February, and March + p1 k" b' @- X
November, December, April, and May
6 C( x% u, A* f. ^( f December, January, April, and May
; `1 k+ Q/ u" ~/ Q, J+ ?: g3 g January, February, April, and May 6 A0 H  H' f8 }" a" l0 k2 j/ a
February, March, May, and June
3 L5 f: @+ E+ }7 ]! R- N% G7 s! Y, y  
+ a9 j% s; Q, Q. y———————————————————————— ; |+ K; |1 V3 S! ]4 ?5 I! V
答案:(D) 9 F' v3 I2 S5 }, e
  & q( Y* R* L; ]2 h% `# ?6 J
 Three women-Anne, Maureen, and Fran—and two men—Ed and Marry—are the
/ z# W8 w6 {; n$ \only dancers in a dance program that consists of six numbers in this order.
& y  T* {7 h. `- ?* kone—a duet; two—a duet; three-a solo; four—a duet; five—a solo; and
+ R9 j: B5 g# u# I2 [4 n) s; g+ K  U3 tsix—a duet. & `2 q. O) ~8 i( Y6 j
 No dancer is in two consecutive numbers or in more than two numbers.
& R5 C: `/ N/ U& b; w3 p The first number in which Ed appears in one that comes before the first number 3 y9 r) |$ x7 m+ l
 in which Fran appears. # g* S8 H3 f& Y  S9 R
 The second number in which Ed appears is one that comes after the second number 1 h, f) F! O1 n" a( k2 V
 in which Fran appears. - G* Q# G8 J* p, o9 H" C" `! l0 G
 A duet consists of two men or two women or a woman and a man. 3 u) O5 M# ~3 @, q
Which of the following is a complete and accurate list of those numbers that : V5 g; d3 Q( L  n
could be the last one in which Fran performs? ( P8 V/ d- q: [9 `# T
Three ; U* j% A6 Y; J: q3 _* N
Four / a. [% l$ M" \0 n% {9 t
; ]8 V6 w7 |) f3 ?5 \ Three, four 6 i+ s/ c9 S5 X9 d& q# [/ _
Four, five 2 c/ X* E# r' E2 L% K3 O
% N; }& Z1 _$ N  o: B/ M, b$ g$ I———————————————————————— . Z* ^' R4 s% D/ ?* @  U( T
答案:(E) 3 f) {2 h& M3 [' u% L) ?4 Y
% X# s1 F3 N8 }All of Maureen’s appearances must be in duets if 4 u3 [- w% {/ @  k. O$ s
Fran is in number two
2 D6 O8 x( N; O Fran is in number five
' T/ V, @( d- B, y6 Q* i Ed is in number one
5 l& ?5 x  Q% j- e4 l, q. o/ _ Ed is in number two 2 Q: d: V7 e  u$ b4 ^2 W2 l
Ed is in number six
. F! z, E9 [; ]+ C0 B, O  ( ^; Y$ b  L7 q' Q; V; p1 V
———————————————————————— # t" E  ?7 k  w/ ~; r# d1 V& N
% Z+ T$ s- F3 f/ B. Q- b  
; u* K# b2 k2 S- j4 jIf Harry is in number five, number four must consist of 0 t' h- m% x% S) T$ B. L
two women 8 ]) Q# J) M' s% N  }! V
two men
. [5 W2 k; B/ |1 i9 U Ed and a woman
; B7 Q( P' [% e6 B! k+ @0 P  Y Maureen and a man   |' a+ Z% T8 o; [& F
Fran and a man
9 p: M8 w7 t" F  7 K, {; S) l' o8 H) {! k8 \
: C6 F' {; x. `: m6 {  x答案:(A)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


Under laws requiring the use of recyclable containers, beverages are sold 6 o- Z) ^- C' x# @- N
only in containers that can be reused. Those who object to such laws point out
: C6 p3 U( W& }0 u1 t* X5 pthat collecting reusable bottles requires gasoline, and washing them requires
+ b) h1 V# e3 m' t- I4 [water; however, it takes less water to wash them than it does to make
0 O. O! R& o6 ~. x3 Lthrowaway bottles. This saving in water exceeds the cost of the gasoline 5 b  t0 V4 z% f8 ~% a( b0 {- E) |
needed to transport empty bottles.
7 i$ K2 T+ z4 P  ( X- e9 X3 f/ K& A# V0 _, @1 _
The passage above most directly answers which of the following objections to
' a' d) r/ a# A' s+ a" Hrecyclable beverage containers? % R4 r# R0 k& r; B" A
3 G/ Z8 R4 }7 c- a3 i4 F8 q" T6 L Consumers would continue to discard even recyclable containers.
$ B3 q! h; X, K$ v3 B( Z' I Returning bottles is an inconvenience for consumers. 3 F! t" _2 o) B( f% Y
The extra expense of recycling would raise beverage prices. , W5 f+ d' B7 a5 M2 v) t" l* C  m
Recycling would harm the glass and plastic industries that make containers.
* D6 C; P4 u8 d* M$ r Recycling containers is only a partial answer to the problem of disposal of
. M3 Z2 q% D, @4 M  N+ dsolid waste. 4 A: l2 ?0 O) k: B" F- J) ], i0 @
  8 }9 B9 o4 v" M: _& V! ^5 Q( V
& ~6 L7 ]0 u& j0 o" I! ~2 Z5 R' P! A8 i答案:(C)
4 y2 M! C- N& D  
( J7 k8 j% X7 FAlthough historical research and anthropological research often complement
0 I' e% E, [6 U  ]8 c. q% [one another, the two disciplines retain important distinctions because of the
, |8 h- ~2 o+ x5 J! y( z0 Q, E7 sfundamental questions that each poses. Historians are ultimately interested in
( ~$ O. l7 _( awhy change occurred, whereas anthropologists are concerned with the meanings ( }# p" W' x4 M  b
of actions and systems.
, E# R6 a' `7 C* x, Z, { 
* N: j6 c% \2 q' y1 E$ O  KWhich of the following is implied in the passage above?
: J& `( }1 c$ ~& W2 G: H  V2 E  / C4 d5 d# O  o* O
The meanings of actions and systems do not fully explain why change occurred. ( f, X- n) t( e) P
The distinctions between life and art are diminishing . : J) }7 x' Y& Q" d1 n
Actions and systems are not usually subject to historical change. , R0 |5 k, g5 I  q  ~, X' l
Anthropological research is not concerned with change. . y/ S5 e8 z9 k, [
The questions posed by the two disciplines share certain assumptions about   O, P' |! }9 X) o6 i+ q
human behavior.
' u; W3 A6 L( k0 t  + t' ~" O! |( ]* k
———————————————————————— . o7 L; r- ]) f, x) s. u- ^
答案:(A) 1 [# f) D- s0 u' ?* H% u5 x0 k/ G* D% k
; h9 [4 l) _7 w: p7 b) u+ ^We know that Harry is sick much of the time because whenever we get a letter
/ j* S8 u0 Z" J/ \# M& ]4 Tfrom him he tells us that he is home from the office with the flu, a cold, or an " v6 Y2 `1 ^) ]! r% n/ q3 {8 ]
$ E% j  E' g/ l& G  & h0 F2 B* Q5 y  d) m
The logical assumption made in the passage above is that
, t7 O' O6 }' Q0 f( g  6 v- H+ K3 x4 A3 \7 d1 p) b1 P
Harry’s work cannot be done at home . a. J& u# i3 x/ h
Harry is not sick when he is at the office
3 q' w# X2 A2 |+ _ Harry writes long letters
; @# v9 B/ V: A& [' x4 Q Harry writes frequently
% L$ C* i! r$ W7 m: n7 e7 D. Q being home from the office is equivalent to being sick
) Y( _6 v2 ?$ ^( @; d) z  8 ]9 l2 {4 P$ ]' o) w& ~
6 D; R0 y6 j9 }& z$ U答案:(D)
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