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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列五十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
If Roland appears in the first skit and then does not appear in the next
* I. q: ^2 Y) V+ E, N/ i+ }- P4 Ifour skits, which of the following must be the cast in at least two of the # D  C8 p5 M+ N" k$ o) l
first five skits?
; d" r0 ?0 h0 m" }/ Q' w% V& `& b, C7 Q Ⅰ Simon alone
  B: o: ]4 @; Y$ b( N Ⅱ Theresa alone
: t3 E  x4 @% i0 e7 } Ⅲ Simon and Theresa together * [/ N! @, G, [7 ~# p8 h" Q4 i
Ⅰ only
# ^( j0 B8 X' m/ j1 l2 D Ⅲ only
( Z: {: |/ C5 [/ P7 q/ {1 d% F( [ Ⅰand Ⅱ only
+ }, k  m1 x5 W! ? Ⅱ and Ⅲ only ( _$ X0 J' F+ Q; r; H+ r1 d& p. g
ⅠⅡ and Ⅲ
* j2 \! [8 [% M  2 h* S+ G, c/ j% \1 N# J
———————————————————————— 8 N0 z" `5 W( k0 I! a: _
答案:(B) 8 _, x9 Y# S+ |9 a& p# ~
& o4 ^3 J# Z" \% _( Y' GWhich of the following specifies the greatest number of skits, of which no : Z) b- R8 I: M& L1 j3 s2 A
two have the same cast that could appear consecutively on the program? $ ~1 ~: ]8 `. B  \) E: o
# d" o0 S  O% L3 J 6   Y3 r( j% U+ z/ k
7   u# C4 j" U5 M, }, S( h
8 7 c4 n9 _7 a/ M
, l! B. O6 i% F* a4 t8 a% C- R& X  
/ }- T- Y6 M5 _/ Q———————————————————————— # v1 X+ z$ Y+ r" }/ G
7 \: P7 Z; k- H- z( m# G7 d  6 D# r$ ^. ^( I" ]+ g" o0 s
If in the first five skits Roland and Simon each appear exactly twice as ' v+ @: b5 v( ~1 `! ?; u2 a
many times as does Theresa, which of the following must be true?
2 C8 ]! ?4 @) B- ]& z# m8 ^3 C Roland and Simon appear together in the first skit.
( |! D4 I2 b" d4 j4 y  j Roland and Theresa appear together in the second skit. 5 H4 _4 g" a/ a7 ~
Simon and Theresa appear together in the fourth skit. $ X# ], ]2 r0 k& ^, Z
Theresa appears with at least one of the other actors in each of her skits. 2 y* n  a5 r4 N# C8 H
Simon appears with at least one of the other actors in each of his skits.
1 o9 F' f1 }8 Y/ G- o  * s! ]1 Y% g1 f$ I
———————————————————————— ! E* `0 ?% T4 ^  y0 @/ G) A

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


If in the first five skits Theresa appears one more time than does Simon,
+ L& y5 n  z9 zand Simon appears one more time than does Roland, which of the following could 6 g5 i9 s3 |0 n8 G& w
be true? - |  b+ W% e8 a/ L: x  W
Simon appears exactly twice. 6 `1 e$ o$ G" \& ]8 N/ W5 L
Theresa appears neither in the second nor in the fourth skit. + {# q: E% T; }
All of Roland’s appearances are solo appearances.
) W- p- X5 t! [% e6 B  p Roland appears in two skits in which Theresa does not appear. & Z' t0 Z* d% X: h. m0 l& _9 s
All three actors appear together in three skits. & V8 G8 ?, z) c. t3 C1 s
  5 j% |/ [4 Y2 @8 f2 x, X  M
———————————————————————— $ Z1 p8 o7 X' X$ m0 n5 n% R
答案:(E) . N  B- x4 T3 f* }) r
  * `5 j- J% O8 U2 H
The disparity between the location of jobs and the location of affordable
: B& U6 R' b  \( Y0 Lhousing has been growing throughout the country in recent years. Housing 3 ?- W( Y. |3 b5 A7 P5 ]0 x
availability has not kept up with the growth of jobs in suburban regions;
# n7 A( {8 A7 Zthe consequences are long commutes from rural and urban areas for middle-
. H1 w8 F: M5 q1 p" ?income workers and inaccessibility of job opportunities for lower-income
- u7 M" l. x3 Q4 iworkers. " c# _& ]8 ]' F1 D) Z
5 D! e6 M6 y9 l. m7 P" \6 o' v5 v/ j+ _Which of the following is the most reliable inference that can be drawn - q0 w* O2 [5 `: F1 v
from the passage above?
3 D6 [. G( |# U$ S  
7 b5 c! V1 ^2 N! b! Z' d" @ Lower-income workers cannot afford the expense of long commutes to jobs.
5 m; F* l1 P, c: \% |7 E( S1 | Suburban housing is becoming less expensive. ( A; y/ F0 Y' J, I8 n" o% c- t  Q
Middle-income workers tend to live closer to their places of work than ! x8 n4 d! n# L0 R' T+ v
 do lower-income workers.
* ~% m  o  M; P2 n2 ~1 _* B Housing availability for workers has been an important factor in decisions
6 v# h1 F% B$ p- z% D; d5 N* w2 D to relocate businesses. / U, [  C0 l2 Q+ I
Affordable housing in urban areas has become less available in recent years. 9 p3 ~) Q3 A; b
  & c0 F# _2 `: `# A: |1 ?1 Y
———————————————————————— " _" U* P+ _- a3 t( D/ O2 W
答案:(A) + v) B4 J* G- I. V* c( Z5 L
" h! R0 s; c# AKen and Lou will eat together at a restaurant only if Jan comes along with 1 ]" X- Z. A& T2 `! T  U
them. Jan will go only to restaurants in her neighborhood, which is several + S+ J; W# \, K7 k
miles from the downtown area. Manuel is go to a restaurant only if Ken also goes. 7 O' Y2 U$ \. e: x
; B6 o( K2 A! I& [( |$ {' P2 ?As long as the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true?
& V5 b7 @1 `* e  / n) @6 s6 R8 ~& U  o( M" a
Manuel does not eat at a restaurant with Jan. ! \* x$ r- b" I; q% N1 ~
Lou does not eat at a restaurant with Manuel and Jan.
% t* ~" j8 r5 Q* k3 }) J, b Ken, Manuel, and Lou do not eat together at a restaurant. 7 G- r3 a* q+ k7 |
Manuel does not eat at a restaurant in the downtown area. 7 K  B- I$ w& M4 v- X
Ken and Lou do not eat together at a restaurant in the downtown area. / i0 E6 r7 y) F3 {. e* r
  + I5 _* T+ J) Z  k, K# u
———————————————————————— 2 I; x$ ^% C- n* t' o( _# H
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