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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列六十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Scientific journals published in the United States characteristically
$ _/ ^5 _1 R. _; D9 Irefer only to articles written in English. This is not because there are
& T2 f3 e: c' \no interesting scientific developments reported in other languages, but . c) ~: m4 e) o5 k  C+ h- ^
because of a basic linguistic ignorance on the part of scientists in the
1 m- U7 h- U" ?United States. This ignorance inevitably results in a failure to benefit ; c! v1 e2 [# t( J1 a" F  G  e
from scientific progress made outside the United States. ! V$ o! f/ N: \9 v
  - D& k  }3 @; }3 Q5 r/ ]
Which of the following, if true, tends to confirm the conclusion above?
% j+ k; q9 y2 b9 N$ p$ X5 `% j9 f  / a. ^; S# y! e, J: x
Scientists in other countries usually read English-language journals.
& H1 ]. x; Y! f. h Important scientific findings are eventually published in English- & w- j0 v- |1 }: ^+ {
 language journals.
# ~- M+ Z0 B* j4 C9 a0 U The linguistic ignorance of scientists is a symptom of a more general   l9 p' N3 `: R
 ignorance of foreign languages in the United States. . X8 G0 n* B+ B. y8 `! m6 b( _1 L
Many experiments reported in scientific journals published in the
1 E$ h" S. {+ w) s% v United States unknowingly repeated studies done in non-English-speaking
& q/ K6 Z# ^; g2 M countries.
: G/ F% o: U; f- k. V6 o( ~% T" t) T7 { Scientific progress is universal and cannot be limited to a single country.   {+ h- o' D6 F! k6 M2 P# ?' ~8 ?+ }
% l. C9 Q% x- ~* G+ V# L———————————————————————— ! k" a% |/ Y& f
3 f( V7 p' x5 S& J" x! rThere are simply no ---- for buying stock in : [+ T% |% Y  \# L' ^' N' u
certain industries since rapidly changing
! P9 u# o3 m" i0 A3 senvironmental restrictions will make a / C$ F8 _: K, _+ |
profitable return on any investment very
( s. j* D1 N4 s3 q4 e$ gunlikely.
5 g$ S  b8 \9 |, S0 m/ a  
  F! u5 L2 Q3 [4 @' l1 k0 x9 F2 B incentives % S, ?6 f* |9 ~& m4 V9 N0 {. g
arrangements & n3 q4 N) ]4 X, e! V- `/ y! |/ W
explanations 4 m& ^/ L% k6 W! V
conditions ! k$ N5 I3 E; M3 [& f4 g, A3 l' G; n
procedures " L" O: g" `  X; E# `! J0 F
" }6 `) \2 k$ R% S———————————————————————— 6 p/ x2 l0 E- F2 m9 }8 a
答案:(A) % M; r. p; K: h7 N8 }  M
  ; t: P% H; s% `% T) Y
He was widely regarded as a ---- man because
0 K  G7 [! g$ K/ |$ t& X$ D+ vhe revealed daily his distrust of human nature
: `8 i# I5 U, k+ t/ {* l' O5 ^( rand human motives.
1 ^5 U( Y- X. ^$ X( S  
0 {4 j- ?- @  `% b) H- K disrespectful
# N- \! E2 U4 h4 | cynical
2 p5 W6 h( c  i! C confused 3 F+ U7 p& D" a' T
0 I: [1 W" U% H0 j. @/ P! g  E/ Z! j fanatical
% L' H* C/ |& J6 c3 \+ S  5 L4 n  |5 `: o
" Q- y3 M4 ^: S) C答案:(B)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


Suspicious of too powerful a President, 9 e% e  s: F  D7 E
Americans nonetheless are ---- when a
" X& R, M8 T1 T0 V' jPresident does not act decisively. 0 c$ O5 l5 B2 E7 p
  2 b/ u- X8 |$ |# J2 z
unified 5 i! z5 A$ W9 J4 l- G' g% V
0 D% V8 n, I$ S9 d9 P: M* E: D content 4 F3 Y/ q7 z# ?3 F# c
uneasy 0 G" x% ?3 q! ~2 X# D0 B# Q0 T
5 M4 T( b( E) _9 }: e  . X6 I; Q+ ^6 c0 ]2 s
& B8 h( I5 @9 s& n答案:(D)
- F+ v9 T( t' A0 D* f  
; s! g2 Y, `& z* IFor those Puritans who believed that ---- / [7 ^( B( _7 u2 S( {
obligations were imposed by divine will, the ( w( s$ G. r8 y4 \: a' i0 J
correct course of action was not withdrawal
8 L9 a. L0 A; }$ U$ v! dfrom the world but conscientious ---- of the ; G& b8 B4 k( b# n9 t
duties of business. 3 Z9 b$ L! W+ w# |  N
  + S( n/ N0 u1 Q2 L2 b
practical.. mystification
* u& m  c) V8 ?0 o inherent.. manipulation 6 h$ x5 A: P# w: L( K
secular.. discharge
" g& s! ]/ o, h earthly.. disavowal
0 d, Q# T+ l( e- | trying.. moderation " C, v3 S" E" m& o3 b3 o
# t; K) {2 e1 C————————————————————————
" ?: }3 X/ B# X! J( l7 B& W答案:(C)
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