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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试真题精选系列六十六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The last set of games could be between teams $ _& i$ j- b( |3 ]+ e. y
J and K; L and O; M and N + U0 N/ B* F/ h# q. O, J
J and L; K and O; M and N
# B( K! g: [( k7 s$ g* q J and M; K and L; N and O & o/ a2 `6 m* i# _( B
J and N; K and L; M and O 1 m) Z. |# t4 N
J and O; K and N; L and M
* D. z" v5 D9 U& H  6 P+ F, y2 d. D" g; y7 @0 }
6 r% {% G) }+ x# y1 ]8 R答案:(B)
5 y3 l- P/ G7 u( _+ ^% r( @' M  6 z5 I2 e$ d7 A; q
 Harry: If I am reading a good book, I become so absorbed that if someone , W+ I! d' {/ a5 v# S1 p) z, k# t
   calls me, I am not aware of it and hear nothing.
. y' t$ i- o5 A9 n' T James: If you are not able to hear anything, you could not know that anyone ) N$ m: a( P: {5 Y; W
   was calling you. ( j# @# k7 P  U6 a/ N8 W
( ?7 s  E4 w) EJames’s response shows that he makes which of the following assumptions? 7 p7 m) `5 L6 {
& ~* a3 C8 w4 F When Harry is absorbed in reading a good book, nobody is calling him.
7 ]# J5 F7 T# @ Harry cannot know someone has called him unless he heard that call.
' R- ]' [0 r5 q- z When Harry is not absorbed in reading a good book, someone often calls him.
: a$ A/ Y& R8 @( L# q  U Harry is even more absorbed than he claims to be.
+ m( e2 ~! u4 P2 Q1 l  ^  b% ~ Harry reads good books and he is called, but not at the same time.
: Z5 f5 U$ Q' b  q. e' c  . [8 ^" Y/ |# B# L
& |7 f9 \( _: F$ m7 Y4 \; k& S4 F答案:(B) " w2 s0 k. D9 w% Y- L. @
  0 o2 w5 A& R* J' E8 }# Y- p+ C5 ~- d$ N; Q
 In a swampy area of South America, the highly poisonous coral snake and a much
5 d' e. Z9 k6 ]2 g; Vless venomous kind of snake both bear red, black, and white bands. Only 100 miles
2 u, _& L5 b) u- q( eaway, on drier ground, the local type of coral snake lacks the red bands. And there, ) V8 \% }% B) @  R* l
the less poisonous species of snake lacks the red bans, too. The explanation is 4 Y0 l* i& _) E1 d
that, in both habitats, close imitation of the coral snake affords the less - n  u1 Q8 m  V9 X2 B" |4 C: I9 [* n
poisonous species a measure of protection it would not otherwise have. / w% L9 \, {, R& h: }( A
Which of the following is most likely to be a major assumption underlying the
8 s* ~1 r3 U9 X2 J3 y/ l" r! dexplanation in the passage above?   e+ r2 r6 R+ V: D
Coral snakes claim individual territories for themselves, which they defend
2 ~1 F) C" Y: C! U against other snakes. ; |. R% `1 y, k6 W2 f0 {
Red coloration is effective camouflage primarily in dry habitats, where
: f' \7 Y/ p4 E9 _ natural reds are much more common than elsewhere. ' h1 R2 s% I* k1 H# Y
The sight of a coral snake has a strange paralyzing effect on certain of
3 m" k7 G  q; _- T its prey animals.
% H; v& g+ [7 [" F9 |; p Predators whose diets include snakes tend to avoid those most poisonous
2 V9 f# p* d# i% L and thus most dangerous to them.
8 Y- ]8 a; C/ R  _, Y  m Snakes of different species will peacefully coexist only if they do not
! Y5 J2 S, Z* w# X3 Z$ Q compete for the same foods.
# ?$ Y$ u: s; ^4 n! K# g9 z  
% w& T$ R" I4 D———————————————————————— $ U. A0 c6 K! R

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


Which of the following can be logically interred from the passage above?
+ l, g  e/ B% c All varieties of coral snakes have red, black, and white bands. & j1 t1 |5 y" F2 o7 ]
The differentiation among coral snakes into those with and those without $ r  y! |8 m2 ~/ z2 U
 red bands predates the corresponding differentiation among the less poisonous % S/ }9 w  [6 p) c4 P
 species of snake mentioned. / }+ I5 v! E9 U1 }& a2 s
The less poisonous snake species mentioned produces the same venom that # i& ]* @3 s- |, n4 e- }' c9 l
 the coral snake does, but less of it.
$ ^: n  ~# \. T( K4 J: E. W9 ^ Coral snakes from different habitats also have different types of venom.   _- g* c7 v2 |' g. |" ^- J
The protection that the less poisonous species of snake mentioned derives   D7 G4 C, d/ W# W$ t
 from the coral snake means that the less poisonous species of snake must be
; O$ z5 N8 }$ g7 e useful to the coral snake in some way. + g  t6 [8 b" l5 V
3 p, X% T- C9 I% }————————————————————————
8 p* P% M$ X' ^- L* X& ]' E7 \, @答案:(B) 0 T. D! e0 V$ C* ?' _+ X
  % a  q% ]: j, t+ Y
 In a certain word game, an acceptable sequence of five words is one that
3 r  O* W& ^7 g! x: j! i* N0 p& Tmeets all of the following rules:
1 D. q/ a, O4 {1 Y9 Z) S0 x9 { The five words in a sequence must be written down side by side on a single line. 7 U+ R, O( i0 |0 y2 E2 U8 ~+ H
 Each word must have at least five letters and, of the letters in a word, no more
4 d* z0 O2 H9 G3 a8 h  than two can be vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
$ }. U" Y* m. n9 I! _ Words cannot begin with any of the following letters: i, p, and x ( j, y0 H4 y7 C: @
 The five words must be in alphabetical order from left to right with the added
0 c4 }7 [* Z8 w! g9 E9 n7 x  requirement that the initial letters of the five words must come immediately
- _4 n. X+ k3 N$ W+ Q1 r# h  after each other in the alphabet.
; R. M3 m3 J( Y1 Fwhich of the following is an acceptable sequence of words for the game? 0 Y# D: k& x0 R! q6 G  [- C
Aster, bread, dieter, enlisted, farther
7 v6 S6 v' o0 v$ m0 d Jester, kettle, label, mental, nerves 9 E. z: R- u5 C- t; `  I
Nearer, opens, plate, quite, rowed
% t; X" f4 L2 o$ | Plastic, quay, rooster, trailer, zephyr
) @* ~0 b- U1 J" y) W5 G7 {  C Sugar, tailor, shore, voter, wash & m3 k2 V; O" J  F0 r+ p" E
  ; |2 b$ i7 ^8 c( O' V- ^- P5 @
) l" W# Q1 q" a' h3 }; q6 f; V答案:(B)
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