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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试天填空真题集锦(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Although there are weeks of negotiations ahead, 0 N3 x& |3 F6 t
and perhaps setbacks and new surprises, leaders 7 D9 \0 W; B( I/ z6 z
of both parties are ---- that their differences
% f7 M* d# l  C+ s$ C6 ncan be resolved.
, Q) _! I2 P/ Z" H! c(A) optimistic
# ^; T8 o, ]' J: O* N, v(B) perplexed 7 b! e7 ~3 @& l7 o
(C) apprehensive 6 d; o; Y& c' t& R
(D) incredulous
! c/ w$ I1 y- R(E) uncertain 外语学习网! Q! m" W8 I2 }- o7 l$ j
2. The losing animal in a struggle saves itself from
* D3 u1 u% A6 X" E9 m% z' Ndestruction by an act of ----, an act usually
% Z2 P& r  M1 Wrecognized and ---- by the winner. * {3 z0 H* z  u2 u
(A) submission.. accepted ) |  G$ F  I4 l8 K7 k
(B) hostility.. avoided
5 u+ i' M5 `7 _. c9 ]8 r(C) bluffing .. reaffirmed 7 j% \" @, |) X/ ]$ R, L
(D) anger.. condoned
1 I0 Z3 C# {- V: j. r(E) hatred.. duplicated 0 P0 h; ^& Y& Y3 K! b
3. He never ---- the wisdom I had claimed for
- P4 u4 i, X7 t  y: R: z5 ?* Q, l7 lhim, and my friends quickly dismissed my
0 C/ @' B' h0 G2 h7 @  u* D9 oestimate of his ability as ----. 9 o8 ?$ L& R- O5 v  n
(A) repudiated.. irony $ y4 I3 c. w8 C. R8 X1 Y8 ]4 G
(B) inhibited .. propaganda ( W) M$ K/ f: i! Y! Z' T
(C) demonstrated.. hyperbole 1 l& g1 ~" O5 [2 @
(D) masked.. exaggeration
) T' @' R( Q" [. F(E) vindicated.. understatement * _" q" G! H: e
4. Rousseau’s short discourse, a work that was ( a  z2 N, H1 g) b$ g8 `' B" X, P& P
generally ---- the cautious, unadorned prose
& d6 o" _; h. o0 Pof the day, deviated from that prose style in its 9 X8 d8 H# e- K! m: l1 e/ _
---- discussion of the physical sciences.
3 E5 C) j' H/ l$ d: T(A) critical of .. lengthy
/ e: \5 F7 B1 ~8 X8 }+ r(B) superior to .. austere
5 I3 u7 b9 e& [1 n0 V: i(C) bolder than .. intelligent 5 ~+ e( F. ]* J4 t
(D) consistent with .. unrestrained
6 ^0 M' r2 @: n. n% C% U% b(E) influenced by .. uninspired
9 @# b8 s9 w. f8 e0 D& M+ D5. Certainly Murray’s preoccupation with the task
* M% h* Q) {/ C' H! H1 d. {of editing the Oxford English Dictionary begot * a$ n% |" t) w  E2 W
a kind of monomania, but it must be regarded 8 a# S, y( O! C" x! G1 U; K/ a: y
as a ---- or at least an innocuous one. www.ExamW.CoM; ^, h+ r- L& q/ |
(A) tame
8 d' g$ B( |, F/ ], x8 }(B) tendentious $ U1 D4 ~0 e' o; z$ b! J
(C) meretricious
# P+ j( O: j- ?; [/ M5 e  d(D) beneficent # @9 d- x* |- G& [/ l
(E) sincere

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