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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试天填空真题集锦(4)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Some biologists argue that each specifically 5 U9 G+ l$ V3 ?- ?
human trait must have arisen gradually and * n. E% y- O4 S, ?- T4 C% B
erratically, and that it is therefore difficult to . `! O4 Q( m, P7 [
isolate definite----in the evolution of the species.
1 q+ W  ~1 k3 m8 q0 B(A) fluctuations 0 \9 M: }0 }% ^
(B) generations www.ExamW.CoM
# R% W  C5 Q3 K4 F(C) predispositions
- s! K  o5 ?  g% Y9 b0 g1 k/ `! T' d(D) milestones # C2 |4 `0 V8 J  [" ^6 I* K
(E) manifestations
) ^; F3 u" J5 G! C6 b0 w2. Both television commercials and programs
7 C/ Y4 |7 X* O! Npresent ---- view of the material world, one 0 L! `* ~4 ]6 b, O, }9 G
which promotes a standard of living that most ; x) K6 }) r) r7 o
of us can probably not attain.
9 _. v, Z" Y% w2 b( g$ o(A) an unrealistic : O2 G) j7 V( x" k7 U0 v
(B) an imprudent
7 |/ r4 x# O' Q6 `5 `( l# @(C) a standardized
! g4 B( a* b8 h0 \$ Q1 j(D) a perplexing ! O* c" r4 l3 c; A/ Z5 g
(E) a banal / u, n% K7 ?8 |: T0 k. X4 b
3. Although it is unusual to denounce museumgoers
1 y! l7 ^" @" b( N$ m! E+ o2 }for not painting, it is quite common, even # V, A, S& N% B+ z, B
for those. who are unenthusiastic about sports, 9 w& J( c+ o2 L2 \& _; x7 h
to criticize---- for athletic----.
; z9 r3 O0 q/ Y: A% s(A) artists.. ignorance
% A( C4 n3 S" i. c& ?(B) spectators.. inactivity 4 e4 F- S4 x# b. B5 E- j
(C) athletes.. snobbery
6 j! z5 B5 y6 r) O& b: f/ r3 N(D) scholars.. apathy 7 v1 K, }; L6 p, Y
(E) commentators.. partiality
8 Y" G) T7 Q9 u0 v/ @) k: u0 @4. Because the order in which the parts of speech
; q& q" D( b+ c& @appear in the sentences of a given language is
: q4 ?( v  L% E& p9 f% rdecided merely by custom, it is---- to
  M5 R1 C0 o: ]) }' m# l1 t# e# Dmaintain that every departure from that order
, W' Q% g' ~8 {constitutes a ----of a natural law.
1 T5 Z( V( e) `8 b) [% U; d7 Y(A) traditional.. transformation
- M, V* w7 T& N(B) conventional.. transgression + i0 A) {- a3 T% I+ S- O; `2 T
(C) necessary.. prototype 6 \  H% G" z3 Z% g) ^- m7 @
(D) unjustifiable.. violation 5 `1 x9 q5 I; C. T, |8 d4 j) F* X: F7 ]- X
(E) unreasonable.. formulation www.examw.com2 Y' r) w. e) ]
5. Most people are shameless ---- where the very . k5 B4 E/ d" h- N
rich are concerned, ---- curious about how 5 c( Q, _: x3 R  m
they get their money and how they spend it.
5 f; f+ f) I( ]  P! F# W(A) prigs.. secretly ' U. [$ J4 K/ |" x  t, p  H
(B) critics.. endlessly # ^. z  l  ?. n- l" a
(C) voyeurs.. insatiably
7 {, x$ ^+ @2 X(D) exhibitionists.. blatantly % c4 n. p3 \9 N+ U4 r7 y5 q* |% v8 y
(E) ingrates.. selfishly

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