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[GRE真题] 历年GRE考试天填空真题集锦(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Ultimately, the book’s credibility is strained; the
- j2 V: @5 i' p9 z$ c: Hslender, though far from -----, web of evidence
8 k2 C2 u- a$ ipresented on one salient point is expected to: a3 D% R$ @! p
support a vast ---- of implications.$ @; W! Z, `2 H  w* m+ O
(A) unconvincing.. cacophony9 A1 }# ^/ I" G- B" N8 `) k; ~
(B) nonexistent.. superstructure  i. \' ^) N- I& z! m
(C) indispensable.. array
' y% ~: J$ R& T+ A(D) intricate.. network外语学习网" P* C6 S8 m% ?) U1 J( _
(E) imposing.. compendium
: D" Q$ r4 |$ Z2. It is an error to regard the imagination as a2 U0 d" A5 @, d0 s# j: F1 h
mainly ---- force; if it destroys and alters, it9 v; _6 q6 u" a  V9 Q  ]- S
also---- hitherto isolated beliefs, insights, and: M' S2 ?0 p( p4 o
mental habits into strongly unified systems.
( o  O% L" H; E1 w& V) m(A) visionary.. conjures+ W/ H; m0 Z8 w9 m; o- P' y
(B) beneficial.. converts- }$ y0 W  x8 R" v. \0 d
(C) revolutionary.. fuses% O8 a  Q, H9 B, Z* P' _
(D) negative.. shunts
1 o( m# e. c* \3 E(E) synthetic.. integrates
2 O1 [, i/ w! l4 A! E3. The semantic ---- of ancient documents is not: k% [: k" ]9 f% I6 @; U
unique; even in our own time, many documents外语学习网
% D1 U" o7 d1 U# jare difficult to decipher.3 n' i4 T9 K$ ~9 x+ E
(A) aspect, `0 W/ v, g8 f- k; g3 R% _; K" A
(B) pattern; j& O! T; U3 l5 a' t
(C) opacity
' R! s2 }- U. x  I! ^(D) intention$ S: t, d/ X6 M3 n, T
(E) erudition) z* n7 b; x% C) ]; h# |' b+ H  w* [
4. Many welfare reformers would substitute a single, federally financed income support system for the existing ---- of overlapping programs.( T. q  I5 ?. i3 }
(A) paucity) L  j0 n0 F$ P5 T% C& o  P. P
(B) core0 o8 B" D4 r, E
(C) functionalism
' [0 V6 G- O% B8 e$ v6 ]9 z! r(D) participation' Z! L: I3 W$ o- @. D
(E) welter! E) R& Y# `% p( X. ~& b
5. Because the report contained much more information than the reviewers needed to see, the author was asked to submit a ---- instead., A( w' j0 `4 |
(A) compendium) Y  O5 k* k5 N
(B) soliloquy
- j* H$ P6 z4 S* `' F(C) treatise; v# d9 Z; F# U4 R3 W7 y) O  f
(D) prerequisite
8 C0 o: T8 Y/ @) h) ?8 S/ E(E) critique

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