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[GRE真题] 2012年5月新GRE考试真题:填空部分(下)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年5月新GRE考试真题:填空部分(下)! u& b7 w/ G, \5 Y- X, Z
 17.有 个说很多seasoned reporter空格formal journalism education,后面解释这个education的内容大概是有洞察力什么的一些正面的话,然后说一些veteran journalist空格去earn money teaching the wide-eyed beginner.没找到逻辑。。1 n) q3 J# W, D+ D$ N5 v) A
  18.有 个说many towns 投票赞成一个incinarators in county's waste-solid,不是因为他们空格incinarator,而是他们空格narrow their options of weste-desposal 什么的。应该是正面和反面吧。1 ~$ Q9 B) E, D/ ~" }; H
  19.有个说一些help shape the New Deal with Roosevelt空格了一个fact-社会的都是有联系的,大概是牵一动百的意思。然而他们空格只为自己的instituents考虑。选项有 downplay, ignore, disregard然后记不清了。! g$ s- q2 P0 j/ `( Z" ?
  20.有几个词spiteful atypical
2 D0 r3 l& w  Y' f9 s$ D  21. Bronte impassionate,....shows she's anything but (antipathy?冷漠的意思)9 M! k  j; W8 l* I, s0 a' n8 Q# t
  22. (Bemoaned )but they……忘了,囧
( g+ z& m$ O) k  23. 谁谁同时支持女权运动与另一个temperance?运动,表明两者不是(Inimical )中华考试网(www.Examw。com)# C: n% W  M. S; m
  某人impossible to play chess with, (impulsiveness?)agony every simple step
8 U- V9 `2 U+ R. D/ h  23.有某个作者采用 (eclectic) 的写作手法highest moral standard……condescending
: q5 N0 n# T2 Q  24..一个剧本的角色要求表现出hero, distinguished from her peers, but should not appear to be……选项有(extraordinary , paradoxical ?)) E4 D) f$ o! s# j! A( I- o
  25. 某个经济学家研究方法和其他人不同,选项有(technical, theoretical, diverged from?)" `1 h2 J  i5 Z
  26. Nano-technology 解决环境问题,it is easy to understand...选项忘了……(三空题)
: W  |* w& a! H% t) V  27. Incinerators, waste plan, not because……but …… to limit option?选项有willing, loath to 等/ {0 E" B9 Y8 b+ x8 j
  28. 某某occasionally(Caution against,rely upon )…… even though (denying, positing) the danger of general human…… He (believe?)there is…… transcendent time and circumstance?0 _3 u8 E) n4 L: |
  29.某个人对建筑的影响1.1 ?6 M$ a3 Z  }& |% W
  30. Philosophy是一个……的occupation, rather, general, 选项有 (challenging, exacting, estoric, convoluted? )1 `1 }; H% |2 K& {; S- g' H
  31. 沙漠 ……large distances, but, variety of micro-climate, 选项 (expansion, homogeneous, unvaried?): l7 p% f! _1 f# }# C
  32.……(accede)the importance……but, far from (original)
) o+ P( z9 l9 I# u  单词好像有apothetic 还是啥 冷漠的意思反正,, incongurous,awash,await,reservation,rebuke,conclusive,slim,bemoan,juxtoposition, clisuion(应该不是这么写的。。我感觉和前面那个连接是同义词),susceptibility, characteristic

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