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[GRE真题] 2012年5月新GRE考试真题:写作部分(上)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年5月新GRE考试真题:写作部分(上)) G; o1 k' f% Q; U+ p# d& l" b8 [
ISSUE: m! H8 F! n) T) U! ?
  1. it is no longer possible for society to regard a living man or woman as a hero; I0 v1 T) o  V1 o, M4 u
  2. government officials should carry out the will of the people they serve or make their own judgement$ \7 W9 R  z6 B* Z
  3. 91.The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that they have more leisure time.& y$ C. B' Q1 c
  4. 考频最高的那个requiring students to take a variety of courses
8 r! t' [* X3 K6 X1 n5 p& i* \/ r  5. 多样化课程的教育(高频,幸运啊!!)- U# M2 U6 Q# z/ r$ A8 S
  6. 112 requiring university students to take a variety of course outside their major fields of study is the best way to ensure that students become truly educated
: Q  Z9 T& h4 x) ]: _6 Y5 H0 u" H  7. ISSUE是科技提高是否让人们有更多leisure time
4 @) W6 P. j" \) e$ R  8. ARGU是BUTLER COUNTY和PRUNTY COUNTY的改善高速公路安全的做法
8 N3 v9 N% T: b, J6 |  9. courses outside their major fields A是Butler County和Prunty County的6 T9 @  c! {' Y2 a5 `
  10. ISSUE: Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people
& u0 S, Z1 x( H4 G5 p5 Z/ [  11. issue19
+ u- y4 S& {, a4 ^  }# j4 L4 G; z2 k  ARGUMENT中 华 考 试 网( |$ A/ m2 J" g0 `* R& ~% i4 w
  1. Happy Pancake Restaurant; margarine; butter7 d% z$ a) \! G. z+ ^' L3 l9 P
  2. 袜子公司想要停止endure manufacturing process以提高利润 举出三条理由
' U% n+ {8 g6 R  b  (我写的就是说三条理由对profit提高的correlation没有建立起来 用到的论点有company image& long-term customer relationship (停止生产质量下降), sock are seasonal (为什么消费者都3个月就买一次),东北部人民强调新潮式样和颜色种类可能因为比较爱fashion 但不代表他们就不care about the endurability,最后看有时间又扯到要是停止这个process了也不一定会提高利润因为1)可能需要裁员,剩下的员工可能就不会那么incentivized和有Job security,因为他们也担心随时也会被裁掉2)虽然patent也可以卖,但是在R&D阶段有很多sunk cost是没办法recover的. ]% h- G4 h7 @8 }
  3. 13. 就是P县从55到45限速结果失败,然后要采取路面改进的那篇
5 i" q+ G. L7 T" y  D' @  4. argu是出政策改55每小时到45每小时,然后用邻市的那个拓宽道路的方法。' Q  B7 H9 b: @3 d
  5. 有个道路车辆的题目(不知道是不是高频)/ g+ u! O# {! z7 P' j3 o: M
  6. 13 讲 那个prunty为减少交通事故的 要运用 butler的方法的那篇 要求是evidence

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