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[GRE真题] GRE历年填空真题附详解十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 5、Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have ------- achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the Winnebago people.   A, described
, g$ K* r0 }# F2 o$ n; Z( s4 G7 ^4 P  B, acknowledged
+ e: W- H& D- n5 H2 v) d  C, overlooked
3 n' C3 S$ Q' s5 W! w  D, defended
% |# X) _  f! K4 V, M  E, authenticated+ B( B* E+ ^* e# y, h/ o1 j: u
  dazzle: v.1.使目眩 2.使昏眩,使惊诧不已,使倾倒
& l# h5 i8 [6 m  calendar: n.1.日历,历书 2.历法 3.日程表,记事录
# ~2 m" h6 O. d$ M5 K  anthropologist: n. 人类学者,人类学家
1 i; G  Z. s" u. ^! c- g3 @  z  sophisticated: a.1.老于世故的 2.老练的,精通的 3.深奥微妙的,精致的 4.复杂的,精密的,尖端的% ^7 q- [% x. Y3 P% D" G) ^# j
  autheticate: v.证明…是确实可信的
$ F# E2 \& Q+ n% s( \  由于他们如此痴迷倾倒于玛亚文明所拥有的历法和天文学知识,某些人类学家故而对温内贝戈人雕刻于木棍上的复杂的历法这类成就视而不见。' d1 v% P' T- {( D8 l, a* k% r
  6、Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly _______over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability., s3 T7 P4 {' ^" Q
  A, appreciated
( g* _0 o7 j+ B  B, emulated9 ]$ y" K" I* V1 n
  C, criticized
( Y- L6 R1 A5 ~1 J  D, revised, y2 H0 |7 D4 Q5 k1 b8 J* H
  E, reprinted
  I9 `* q0 V! X3 S  k  aptly: adv.1.有…倾向地 2.恰当地,适宜地 3.反应敏捷地
2 `+ P2 q8 R# v) v$ D' U1 Q  |  imbue: v.使充满,使渗透4 ]! U2 q+ T* t$ P0 k  G+ n. J' G
  thereby: adv.1.因此,由此,从而 2.在那件事上" n0 u5 S% s0 O" e
  mutability: n.可变性,无常不定,变化性& w& G8 q( T# K8 k/ Y4 j
  emulate: v.1.努力赶超,与…竞争 2.仿效,模仿. j/ |" z" }, ^4 }
) h; _. [# d. K( v, v0 n  T  7、The sea was not an ______the _____of the windmill; on the contrary, while the concept of the new invention passed quickly from seaport to seaport, it made little headway inland.
# z- L3 E4 i0 f; G+ V# e9 R2 N' d8 v  A, element in.. evolution3 L' e+ p9 L7 l, c$ R
  B, issue in . . acceptance! x1 u  i! c3 }+ v; d9 V
  C, aid to.. designers3 Z, R% d/ A+ k7 N3 x; w
  D, obstacle to.. diffusion+ q9 r) W( c! ^. R" f( e! H% J) }
  E, impediment to.. creatio

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