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[GRE真题] 历年GRE真题试题之一(A)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# I# s. G( d. G4 n7 v  Time - 30 minutes
6 o; \5 ]' r' m8 ^! X% n/ Q   38 Questions Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
! N3 x# y( o* b9 q# ~1 |* g1. Nonviolent demonstrations often create such ten- sions that a community that has constantly refused to ------- its injustices is forced to correct them: the injustices can no longer be -------. 3 U' P0 z  v% x' T" N) j! Q* K
(A) acknowledge..ignored 3 _/ O9 {0 J% H5 G' I6 i: E
(B) decrease..verified " _# @- b) c" e
(C) tolerate..accepted
( C9 h) F5 o1 t% r" s  j" R(D) address..eliminated
% j  \/ L- y4 J; K0 n(E) explain..discussed
/ X2 j2 q, z3 Z/ U* f5 a. f2. Since 1813 reaction to Jane Austen’s novels has oscillated between ------- $ i8 m6 w. {2 l* n6 {; ~% u- S0 F
and condescension; but in general later writers have esteemed her works more highly than did most of her literary -------.
8 |+ }0 i. `, f' r! W2 \7 X" ]0 D/ I(A) dismissal..admirers
+ P- ~# F9 c2 ~, O3 L- z(B) adoration. .contemporaries # |9 l! O( ^) B! ?
(C) disapprpval..readers
- u- |& P. Y" ]; J(D) indifference..followers ) C  B% q# c+ O* E: {
(E) approbation..precursors
8 v# S/ T, l! E+ Y# v3. There are, as yet, no vegetation types or ecosystems whose study has been ------- to the extent that they no longer ------- ecologists. ; b  b) C: U; D% w% o+ [
(A) perfected..hinder
$ p  J, N8 m! Q8 V9 H* p8 L' Y(B) exhausted..interest
% Z# S* |* a' }) @4 R. O% \(C) prolonged..require
1 @3 o( I& k) T2 z8 B(D) prevented..challenge
' k& S( V* n; Z6 z(E) delayed..benefit
; F( L: A7 J$ O$ l4 k7 J, {4. Under ethical guidelines recently adopted by the National lnstitutes of Health, * P5 \1 N8 ]7 K" r, [' F1 p
human genes are to be manipulated only to correct diseases for which -------
, Z% A& g! Q/ @7 ~treatments are unsatisfactory. ) f9 r  s9 j# _1 J% s
(A)similar ' M5 L  A- ^- b' }, \
! F/ n5 D5 s  Y2 K' i/ L+ p(C)dangerous * E1 p% l6 k$ e1 U8 Z' H
(D) uncommon ' q. N" F( h" s% _
(E) alternative
- j1 y) X) y6 E. R; d2 ~5. It was her view that the country’s problems had been ------- by foreign technocrats, so that to invite them to come back would be counterproductive.
4 K, T3 C7 ?5 e% c( m(A)foreseen ( z4 V! N7 Y/ x; Q7 _3 }: t
(B)attacked ! S$ E3 _# D+ ]5 l, D- q5 y5 y
, K9 {; D# V! q& o2 C7 l( x(D) exacerbated
4 b. p" a0 L! D: e/ D) g(E) analyzed ! l1 ^2 c7 E4 w6 U- R# w: l2 N% n
6. Winsor McCay, the cartoonist, could draw with incredible -------: his comic strip
) ~0 w- i# k: _about Little Nemo was characterized by marvelous draftsmanship and sequencing.
+ `- i! `6 ~2 W; T- z(A)sincerity
+ r/ W) x% |% n7 `% _2 ]6 S6 ^( {(B)efficiency
$ L+ x0 r4 _: m6 m) O(C)virtuosity 9 w$ L' V1 f' O9 C8 A
(D) rapidity
( L  }! L; M7 V& C1 p0 S& ^! ?(E) energy
' e7 E, }7 T, r2 e0 a* z; `# Y7. The actual ------- of Wilson’s position was always ------- by his refusal to 5 l7 F# [$ a6 p8 C: i
compromise after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement.
! n/ g& \" e8 D- P4 f# h: s7 o(A) outcome..foreshadowed
( i: b8 m9 o5 t(B) logic..enhanced ) ~+ p0 u1 g' P4 G6 t
(C) rigidity..betrayed ( R0 v5 K. P. [/ Z7 ^) G4 j2 [7 g. |0 n1 a
(D) uncertainty..alleviated
  S$ M; ]# |, B( d7 R5 }(E) cowardice..highlighted 1 F7 Y, h, K4 d: A
Directions: In each of the foiiowing questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.4 p7 ]5 U! V' k" b, i! a5 _# e
  o3 ^2 D  Y, R' m! t* C4 D3 x6 A(A) epidemic : contagiousness ; V' r2 V/ d# Y: Z. i0 t' S# z% J3 J
(B) vaccine : virus ( |  Z3 J+ q/ h
(C) laxative : drug
# X2 R& C, B' B/ B. j( F  [(D) anestheiic : numbness
9 ~( J0 k8 s( l! R- X+ Q! v0 S3 y(E) therapy : psychosis4 Y8 X8 J5 o# ~2 w8 m% G2 Z, f
9.LAWYER:COURTROOM:: + m+ Q" M+ V, Y" Q! r6 M0 n
(A) participant : team
0 B9 g7 D9 Z3 h6 a$ l(B) commuter : train 4 I- m" g- b  p
(C) gladiator : arena + ?0 e6 @  F5 z! O* e# q
(D) senator : caucus 4 {  Y4 I$ R9 m6 H. d9 a) \) X+ H
(E) patient : ward
9 U6 x/ Z! R, L10. CURIOSITY : KNOW :: # Z  a5 Y" o% r% X  j
(A) temptation : conquer
" c' b; z/ F) v6 }8 N7 I- H! x" m# U  N  G(B) starvation : eat
- p' V) a+ O& P1 T(C) wanderlust : travel
% m9 k3 k( \; \; Q4 d. l(D) humor : laugh $ }' U' U* `$ i' q- c
(E) survival : live4 ~/ g& Y; {5 |, c2 H$ N
11. FRUGAL : MISERLY :: : _* F: d, |* a; c. P
(A) confident : arrogant - u  [9 J' `6 D4 r) ~2 i7 [/ e3 L) Y
(B) courageouss : pugnacious
! V+ ^5 k1 w. K4 e) F. t+ f(C) famous : aggressive 2 l6 Y: b6 M" {4 }$ m5 i3 y
(D) rash : foolhardy 0 g$ E, x0 |, c. y8 d* [
(E) quiet : timid
7 {% O8 h0 X! I12. ANTIDOTE : POISON :: 4 e, D3 t; y3 j# F  m* T
(A) cure : recovery 3 C& |* c, [9 H" }: {
(B) narcotic : sleep
  V0 s+ G2 q5 H" m" Q/ t(C) stimulant : relapse 6 v- G9 J; J* t* _( y% \, D
(D) tonic : lethargy
4 O) w8 j: o2 y" _8 v(E) resuscitation : breathing
1 C" g8 B% _2 Z13. STYGIAN.: DARK :: 7 _" D/ f# G; ~9 e3 ~- N
(A) abysmal : low . Y4 i# Y% n9 ^0 M
(B) cogent : contentious 0 a+ Q) B, f# {
(C) fortuitous.: accidental
# ]! N6 m) ]2 M; Z(D) reckless : threatening
' Q& N6 L  ~. m' r/ H(E) cataclysmic : doomed
1 X) Z# a! ]- h8 p1 a14. WORSHIP : SACRIFICE :: : E9 w' j" j. }+ ?& a
(A) generation : pyre 9 I! Y* N: x: Z, q& M2 k) V1 A
(B) burial : mortuary
* h/ _( p6 @1 p$ d; X! I$ @% i(C) weapon : centurion 9 p4 T  X% g  k- a
(D) massacre : invasion
" p  C( _, `/ h: B/ M( `: Z(E) prediction : augury% l% p+ H) q, @+ F6 [! K, `7 s
15. EVANESCENT : l)ISAPPEAR : + a' M9 o) R- C( @
(A) tlansparent : penetrate
# q2 ^; a0 |' n' y  C9 i(B) onerous : struggle
- {' Q$ d8 M. @& i5 Q$ M* G! F(C) feckless : succeed
! L% c& r5 b% i(D) illusory : exist
; a4 f" t% D2 E1 J# h- R) Y(E) pliant : yield6 ^* C8 w4 U1 f. }& c
8 o2 ^# T; Y7 [; A8 n' J(A) dote : like % B, b: B/ ]; T% }
(B) lal: : stray
- H; r% S9 M1 \  m# A" Z" }(C) vex : please 8 O; |) k2 ^1 t  P; ]. p
(D) earn : desire 6 X& q4 M* p: B* g0 L+ H4 a
(E) recast : explain

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