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[GRE真题] 历年GRE真题试题之一(B)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.
8 V- ~( P; p0 g) G+ P0 ?! o% n3 e. ^  u) Q    : @! d% A; \3 ~# ]* h3 n$ D
     lt has been known for many decades that the appear-4 U6 s& {( q4 V$ u5 D1 C+ L$ E
ance of sunspots is roughly periodic, with an average
- h4 \8 |0 b) Z1 j8 c' Ycycle of eleven years. Moreover, the incidence of solar$ z! @# M7 x& P- c* D
flares and the flux of solar cosmic rays, ultraviolet radia-
) X7 d' l- Z1 s4 k2 a% m0 ution, and x-radiation all vary directly with the sunspot (5)- s% p0 a7 h8 t$ @; X
cycle. But after more than a century of investigation. the$ x" }# X: @. U- D( h
relation of these and other phenomena, known collec-. r  @- U0 v, H+ j" O& ?6 [
tively as the solar-activity cycle, to terrescrial weather # E: g' F8 t- Y
and climate remains unclear. For example. the sunspot
% t# a; \' P& m" y; k4 m8 N! Ycycle and the allied rnagnetic-polarity cycle have been (10)# y4 A: r# n  l9 ?. \& ]
linked to periodicities discerned in records of such vari-/ j3 p+ m2 A( D; {% p; K
ables as rainhll. temperature, and winds. lnvariably,
5 R% I& \5 E" ^5 K" L. Z# C& k  q7 Lhowever, the relation is weak. and commonly ofdubious* a" d5 ~! o4 B# S8 H
statistical significance.5 v* r4 x/ ]% u9 l% v
4 d# W" d. x/ P' O& V% _6 y4 ~      Effects of solar variability over longer terms have also (15)4 f( p( v! @5 d. b$ {# p
been sought. The absence of recorded sunspot activity in
. l, C8 d0 ~3 s" v& k& D1 l- pthe notes kept by European observers in the late seven-
' o9 I0 c3 ?/ b6 O& Nteenth and early eighteenth centuries has led some schol-
+ \% D; N% o$ N$ D) d: v# P  c, Uars to postulate a brief cessation of sunspot activity at
7 Q/ W+ w7 |# y3 E# G6 `; ~that time (a period called the Maunder minimum). The (20). L$ A  h0 h% }- z
Maunder minimum has been linked to a span of unusual/ c% b5 H$ R* Z, L7 J+ G8 p% _
cold in Europe extending from the sixteenth to the early. J5 t  {& e; J, i/ @# |
nineteenth centuries. The reality of the Maunder mini-( h1 N3 K3 x* a
mum has yet to be established, however, especially since" c1 ~6 e, }5 \$ E% L- H
the records that Chinese naked-eye observers of solar (25)
; }6 x3 S+ T  p/ V; Wactivity made at that time appear to contradict it. Scien- ; e& t# \) Y9 t! a+ H3 B! x
tists have also sought evidence of long-term solar period-
" A3 W# ^5 B+ K4 r! ficities by examining indirect climatological data, such as3 U' ^7 o  E' x: j1 `8 y6 P( u) I
fossil recoras of the thickness of ancient tree rings. These
8 z( T* D7 A8 b6 C! g# C0 Rstudies, however, failed to link unequivocally terrestrial(30)7 H( k' i6 M0 H* ^5 V/ s
climate and the solar-activity cycle, or even to contirm+ s: x; p4 [& A# i% s
the cycle’s past existenue.
) i; C% C3 E! @; [' M* b, Q+ z   ) s& E4 h$ Y, M$ x  S8 u
     If consistPn! and reliable geosgigal are kxologieal ' y+ q! _9 @# `7 L2 z* L
evidence tracing the solar-activity cycle in the distant, d# l" Q+ k0 [8 _6 I0 ~8 o
past could be found, it might also resolve an important(35)$ W. @6 \' \2 ^8 r
issue in solar physics: how to model solar activity. Cur-# j* W, P% x) O) P( R: T
rently, chere are two models of solar activity. The tirst  j1 w9 M: D' t1 n! r
supposes that the Sun’s internal motions (caused by* g, n0 m6 p+ s# q$ R! u; F
rotation and convection) interact with its large-scale+ p2 \# a; O8 M8 q
magnetic field to produce a dynamo. a device in which(40)5 j* y# f% o; B/ \$ k' E9 o
mechanical energy is converted into the energy of a mag-
0 I* H! E7 O9 [9 r- r/ y' ~5 Jnetic field. ln short. the Sun’s large-scale magnetic field
6 g, C; E+ ]9 X' e% xis taken to be self-sustaining, so that the solar-activity
7 A. @( z( ^0 N: d3 Vcycle it drives would be maintained with little overall5 a; c+ V( H5 F4 [# g1 U4 Q
changc for perhaps billions of years. The alternative(45)
' }3 [6 \( P: ~4 i& u1 E* t2 U. w9 dexp)anarion supposes that the Sun’s large-sca)e magnetic3 P5 ^% M1 \; a- X+ v# {3 ~6 p& P+ {
field is a remnant of the field the Sun acquired when it
1 d8 S* E: u3 F$ v# Dformed, and is not sustained against decay. In this
: {7 [1 w+ P2 R+ smodel. the solar mechanism dependent on the Sun’s
/ N& ^6 [1 K4 a, e% CmagnetiC field runs down more quickly. Thus, the char-(50)
" B6 U) j/ S4 J3 Jacteristics of the solar-activity cycle uvuld be expected to/ p; i) O0 c* E7 m8 B! s1 ]
change over a long period of time. Modern solar obser-
: `* W: ^3 d" s* I; }; c1 Y4 Svations span too short a time to reveal whether present: d3 M! z1 j0 `# Y- B
cyclical solar aCtivity is a long-lived feature of the Sun,* @' C+ L$ E6 l, V
or merely a transient phenomenon.
) ^  W# c; ]) k( n17. The author focuses primarily on
. R0 w/ w: O, C$ ], f8 W) ]# w(A) presenting two competing scientific theories concerning solar
; c" p* ?7 V8 ]& K% q0 b/ cactivity and evaluating geological evidence often cited to support them
! N! f. d7 g/ E" Z9 W" I. }(B) giving a brief overview of some recent scientifrc developments ' ]2 p2 z  g2 e, t
in solar physics and assessing their impact on future climatological research : Q6 _  k8 O8 Z! q+ q6 |% `
(C) discussing the difficulties involved in linkinl: ter- restrial
. d# ?' H' t8 g6 F. k* `phenomena with solar activity and indicating how resolving that issue
- S2 T( \' O8 @, q+ ?* fcould have an impact on our understanding of solar physics
" e7 \3 k$ `: g4 [(D) pointing out the futility of a certain line of sci- entific inquiry % R: s$ d& B8 N
into the terrestrial effects of solar activity and recommendine ita
: l5 \: f: m6 T9 i* h& v# oaban- donment in favor of purely physics-oriented research % O/ a/ a) P: o& P$ P( H
(E) outlinine the specific reasons why a problem in solar physics has , D& H- N' {+ H3 u  l
not yet been solved and faulting the overly theoretical approach of modern 5 F: p& U8 [" a0 {) A& c- j2 u
5 F* }- P; ~* N0 w+ Z+ k18. Which of th.e following statements about the two models of solar 2 {  r, ]% g) z4 b. P3 _4 `
activity. as they are described in lines 37-55, is accurate? % s6 V! L% {0 }  [. h5 A
(A) In both modgls cyclical solar activity is regarded as a long-lived
9 \6 p$ B5 e: Ufeature of the Sun, persisting with little change over billions of years.
- d& u: I( F3 h+ s# h# X7 u, S(B) Tn both models the solar-activity cycle is hypothesized as being # _1 o; M$ S% q7 Q/ D" s7 e
dependent on the large-scale solar magnetic field.
5 P# |& ^  o$ d+ p8 B(C) Tn one model the Sun’s magnetic fieid is thought to play a role in
' x, S6 e2 N% t+ }causing solar activ- ity, whereas in the other model it is not. - d, C9 {  M: n2 \
(D) In one model solar activity is presumed to be unrelated to terrestrial
. Q* q/ ^! @% Lphenomena. whereas in the other model solar activity is thought to have
3 ?8 a, o% V, F5 [3 p' ?/ yobservable effects on the Earth.   o6 D% R; B" q) b- n2 e/ i
(E) In one model cycles of solar activity with peri- odicities longer than * Q% M% ~. F, o  L& {: M
a few decades are con- sidered to be impossible, whereas in the other model 8 }( m, d) z- Q$ {* V/ ^
such cycles are predicted.9 e0 r& e; H& o, @6 f' I
19. According to the passage, late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century 1 s2 v5 B$ I% p6 Z; C) H, T/ C
Chinese records are impor- tant for which of the following reasons? 2 L7 P; E9 b3 Z+ K7 ]
(A) They suggest that the data on which the Maunder minimum was predicated - Z5 J" @+ j' F, u% f# B( g
were incorrect. 2 Q/ N: S" D$ |8 m: m6 ~
(B) They syggest that the Maunder minimum can- not be related to climate. ! B* U- K* `1 ?, @, S3 u
(C) Thcy suggest that the Maunder minimum might be valid only for Europe.
- m" w& g5 ?: j+ P  f(D) They establish the existence of a span of unusually cold weather 1 K1 g: ], r1 m
worldwide at the time of the Maunder minimum.
& z2 H# W& Y  }2 a! X(E) They establish that solar activity at the tirne of the Maunder minimum
  Q6 y; `, x( K' j8 i/ B5 |) {did not significantly vary from its present pattern.: t  l* z1 o; ~& [  @. s) c
20. The author implies which of the followine about currently available   z' E# L0 E, s2 ]; t9 z$ N& d' F
geological and archaeoloeical evidence concerning the solar-activity cycle? # }6 r* p1 ?& o* l3 R
(A) It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 37-45. " T2 v2 v  b8 `3 ?# \# d  U
(B) It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 45-52. & r: [! I. l, b0 `
(C) It is insufficient to confirtn either model of solar activity described ( F: Z$ d$ `# O: H  v
in the third paragraph.
9 i9 c, V  p& E9 @(D) It contradicts both models of solar activity as they are presented in 1 ?3 k" G! D% n1 i
the third paragraph.
. P8 w  O- M# M3 E  o# N9 t9 \(E) It disproves the theory that terrestrial weather and solar activitv are
3 R7 G) w/ v& ~8 U) i# y3 Z" Ulinked in some way., J8 c3 f" f, H! P
21. Tt can be inferred from the passage that the argu- ment in favor of the
  N( U2 I( {% c3 n! w3 E; ]: Amodel described in lines 37- 45 would be strengthened if which of the following
- t8 e7 U6 \# }were found ta he tme?
. ~0 L  q5 t8 a$ N' L, U4 {(A) Episodes of intense volcanic eruptions in the distant past occurred in ! M+ q" {9 K6 t0 {$ c8 C" D
cycles having very long periodicities.
) ^6 y  v* ~- w) y7 x(B) At the present time the global level of thunder- storm activity increases 3 a& [0 A( ~$ O* S
and decreases in cycles with periodicities of approximately 11 years. : J( c9 l. t# b
(C) In the distant past cyclical climatic changes had periodicities of longer
8 ~: N4 ?! f4 f# B% L8 A; Mthan 200 years. 0 t: t; W4 U$ _+ f
(D) In the last century the length of the sunspot cycle has been known to
6 C8 s9 W1 A! Lvary by as much as 2 years from its average periodicity of 11 years. # m4 Y, B& T( K+ E8 S; M- L
(E) Hundreds of millions of years ago, solar- activity cycles displayed the
9 `5 k: Q; A% r3 Hsame periodicities as do present-day solap-activity cycles.$ K& j4 P0 `2 k
22. lt can be inferred from the passage that Chinese observations of the Sun
% v/ i$ q7 O5 f: R2 dduring the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
- }/ v6 W6 q6 {- g% n(A) are ambiguous because most sunspots cannot be seen with the naked eye
- \; n7 @7 r) ?0 ]$ m& X. m# A(B) probably were made under the same weather conditions as those made in Europe
3 [$ f5 l7 [; M; E/ u. h6 o! ?(C) are more reliable than European observations . made during this period
* P1 E) f. ?' X/ y0 h(D) record some sunspot activity during this period
! u6 R( t; C$ f( c( P; X(E) have been employed by scientists seeking to argue that a change in solar
, e( B. ^0 P- v. x1 |activity occurred during this period. : c5 y5 Q" s! v* [1 h/ O# x
23. It can be inferred from the passage that studies attempting to use tree-ring - b0 o' P" r& I1 Y" P' c: R  {
thickness to locate possi- ble links between solar periodicity and terrestrial ) V  g) C5 U/ _. W2 K
climate are based on which of the following assump- tions?
5 ?' ]  d- h8 q5 w8 k(A) The solar-activity cycle existed in its present form during the time period 1 @3 Y2 a% L7 t
in which the tree rings erew.
- V) f# `% ?1 b9 |# X, S, h8 a1 f(B) The biological mechanisms causing tree growth are unaffected by short-term
/ `" {" `5 p" q3 r6 Oweather pat- terns. ' a7 m) \+ d) e9 @' L+ s  g% d
(C) Average tree-ring thickness varies from species to species. ! ~% T& N5 o/ b  U
(D) Tree-ring thicknesses reflecr changes in terres- trial climate.
+ C5 f1 q0 t0 C7 Q+ A(E) Both terrestrial climate and the solar-activity cycle randomly affect tree-ring - |1 ?  r0 }6 S; Z

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