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[GRE真题] GRE考试填空真题详解(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) q( i! x( k, `) S* k9 c" I! g/ T
【解题分析】many Russian composers和other composers构成对比,故上句为 contributed to emerging national style 简单理解为“支持新事物”,而下句为idiomatic Russian musical elements 简单理解为"传统的老的事物”,与上句对比,可以选c,d。第二空格是分隔结构,重复前文的“不反对老事物”,又由于它的宾语是“traditional musical vocabulary"故应该填“支持老事物”以重复前文,答案选d。请注意原文中的emerging ,idiomatic,traditimal的三次转换。+ J8 f  S; p$ w. U0 J
% x7 x3 j  t4 T6 C+ P6 `7 _& B
【重点词条】idiomatic 1: of, relating to, or conforming to idiom 2: peculiar to a particular group, individual, or style -- id.i.o.mat.i.cal.ly adv -- id.i.o.mat.ic.ness n: ?3 V, B1 B1 M4 r" H

! s' r# u5 y6 s* O( ~, demerging 1: to become manifest 2: to rise from or as if from an enveloping fluid: come out into view 3: to rise from an obscure or inferior position or condition 4: to come into being through evolution9 a( `/ w& {0 ]! b9 T' s. s

# W) g5 ^" b) c) ncontribute 1: to give or supply in common with others 2: to supply (as an article) for a publication ~ vi 1 a: to give a part to a common fund or store b: to play a significant part in bringing about an end or result 2: to submit articles to a publication -- con.trib.u.tor n
7 S( h" G9 w) _! A' d! u  E/ P1 G7 Y0 k7 _* B* o* c7 X9 z9 I
2 y5 W3 u: B' E% G
# i% V4 ]/ G( w5 a2.【中文释义】因为画家阿尔伯特.皮郝姆.雷达沉浸在他对完美的追求中,所以他很少对一幅画满意,总是在同一张帆布上创作出同一个场景的无休无止的不同表达,一个覆盖着另外一个。8 B4 s* `% E7 k6 X
/ h! D- k' t; I
% L+ y& y9 C9 E2 t/ z: y* ]/ F( P* E- t7 j* Y
【重点词条】obsess obsessus, pp. of obsidere to frequent, besiege, fr. ob- against + sedere to sit--more at ob-, sit] vt (1531): to haunt or excessively preoccupy the mind of  ~ vi: to engage in obsessive thinking: become obsessed with an idea) U1 O/ O9 D) o: K" T4 ]1 m" i

$ t- d6 J& I1 j! D2 h3.【中文释义】客观公正的标准可以起到对医生的保护伞的作用,为他们提供当遭受不公正的误诊控告时的保护措施。# B+ @+ p9 h/ N" t
- y" t% v, ~/ k  e6 m( g; y7 w
【解题分析】providing是分隔结构,重复前文它的逻辑主语是objectively set standards 故可以理解为“客观的衡量标准为医生提供了一个”。请注意空格动词的宾语是unjustified malpractice.正好出现了“unjustified”这个objective的反义词。故问题迎刃而解,客观公正的标准当然反对不公正的指控,故选e。: y  R6 h7 x& A" z) K
% ?8 \' X" B/ u( a/ b
【重点词条】claim 1 a: to ask for esp. as a right  b: to call for: require  c: take 16b  2: to take as the rightful owner  3 a: to assert in the face of possible contradiction: maintain  b: to claim to have  c: to assert to be rightfully one's own 0 R  ~( s% @+ L* Y$ A6 T

+ h* Q1 b( ~! U8 O( Vsafeguard 1 a: pass, safe-conduct b: convoy, escort 2 a: a precautionary measure, stipulation, or device b: a technical contrivance to prevent accident 2safeguard vt (15c) 1: to provide a safeguard for 2: to make safe: protect syn see defend' k: G% c. |3 o: c" F3 O/ P6 L7 L8 |, Z
- E& s) ?7 z- I  `9 {) l
 % [! J; }% |: }1 V

9 ^* ?9 f; o' o5 e4.【中文释义】尽管报纸的评论无精打采,这次戏剧演出却被热情的观众们从被人遗忘中拯救出来,这些观众的洞察力总是强于那些评论家。7 O) b% G% ~( P) `1 [1 t9 K0 \

7 g; O5 h- L( S' g$ @- k# ]8 R# Q【解题分析】第二个空格的by 短语是一个常见的解题点,热情的听众永远热情,当然不会淡忘这部分作品,故可选a,c,e。后半句的比较结构实际上就在提示着评论家和观众是对立的,所以第一空格填评论家们的态度,当然应该填不好的态度,c正确。2 ?( e: W% s, F3 a6 Z

2 e* ]1 f+ [- g【重点词条】acumen n [L acumin-, acumen, lit., point, fr. acuere] (ca. 1580): keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination esp. in practical matters: shrewdness syn see discernment* h& m. w/ T' Y) }. K3 h2 v
8 m0 K  U/ \$ A" @- x
lukewarm 1: moderately warm: tepid 2: lacking conviction: halfhearted -- luke.warm.ly adv -- luke.warm.ness n
& F9 L3 B6 V( X- G$ [0 b
  r) d6 M8 v9 ]/ A- n. Jlackluster adj (1600): lacking in sheen, brilliance, or vitality: dull, mediocre -- lackluster n
9 B- i$ O! u7 }6 ~- \) Z' d2 a0 `, y% f6 J; @
 6 I/ g1 [& z. t4 }3 n( [) P
* V( z7 |7 q5 G
5.【中文释义】爱和傲慢的情绪通常会在同一人身上发现,但却毫无共同之处。即使不是相互摧毁,它们通常也是相互削弱的。  K# H8 R: y2 l$ N% z$ f3 O
4 T8 i7 V' O5 k' _# S3 ~3 r; r
【解题分析】having little in common是其后句子的句首状语,应该修饰谓语动词,故选d ,答案b错在和紧随其后的分隔相冲突。
2 ~+ a3 _* X8 R) f/ a2 E- \3 q3 ^0 f3 V: c$ B' f9 O
【重点词条】embrase 1 a: to clasp in the arms: hug b: cherish, love 2: encircle, enclose 3 a: to take up esp. readily or gladly  b: to avail oneself of: welcome  4 a: to take in or include as a part, item, or element of a more inclusive whole  b: to be equal or equivalent to  ~ vi: to participate in an embrace syn see adopt, include -- embrace.able adj -- em.brace.ment n -- em.brac.er n -- em.brac.ing.ly adv 2embrace n (1592) 1: a close encircling with the arms and pressure to the bosom esp. as a sign of affection: hug 2: grip, encirclement  3: acceptance

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


passion n [ME, fr. OF, fr. LL passion-, passio suffering, being acted upon, fr. L pati to suffer--more at patient] (13c) 1 often cap a: the sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and his death b: an oratorio based on a gospel narrative of the Passion 2 obs: suffering 3: the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces 4 a (1): emotion  (2) pl: the emotions as distinguished from reason b: intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction c: an outbreak of anger 5 a: ardent affection: love b: a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept c: sexual desire d: an object of desire or deep interest -- pas.sion.less adj
% D8 w4 F% e$ ~; y, J7 P* v
+ b/ ^9 Y% w, r& iannihilate1 a: to cause to be of no effect: nullify b: to destroy the substance or force of 2: to regard as of no consequence 3: to cause to cease to exist; esp: kill 4 a: to destroy a considerable part of  b: to vanquish completely: rout  ~ vi, of a particle and its antiparticle: to vanish or cease to exist by coming together and changing into other forms of energy (as radiation or particles) -- an.ni.hi.la.tion n -- an.ni.hi.la.tor n -- an.ni.hi.la.to.ry adj
9 x6 ]# e1 }0 ]8 L8 R& A; U9 {3 M- C2 T& @% y2 l; r
) C# V, S8 C  K: i  a0 Z2 V( g. Y5 |4 U
6【中文释义】建立观察时所需的分类目录的必然性往往会导致一个企图来作绝对的分类,而现实中往往只是渐变现象。5 {! g/ r' x$ w1 i1 c* ~

# m2 b( L, T0 W7 v! k【解题分析】leads to 这个短语在No.7第一套section 1的第六题就出现过,与这一题的考法完全一致,continue,remain ,lead to都会产生同义词; become,trasition,change都会导致反义词。应该将discrete填到第一空格,答案为c。6 ?' ~. h8 D0 m, g
# e' ~, y$ Z# w& M+ C2 w
【重点词条】discrete 1: constituting a separate entity: individually distinct 2 a: consisting of distinct or unconnected elements: noncontinuous b: taking on or having a finite or countably infinite number of values  <a ~ random variable> syn see distinct -- dis.crete.ly adv
$ m) k; x2 e! l8 a: n
! [( J4 v) |! K/ o/ h. odigression ) 1: the act or an instance of digressing in a discourse or other usu. organized literary work 2 archaic: a going aside -- di.gres.sion.al adj -- di.gres.sion.ary adj$ U* ?- @* i* E- Y
" A$ ?. ?, h. y6 ~/ K2 b: c7 y# R7 {
gradation 1 a: a series forming successive stages b: a step or place in an ordered scale 2: an advance by regular degrees 3: a gradual passing from one tint or shade to another 4: the act or process of grading 5: ablaut -- gra.da.tion.al adj -- gra.da.tion.al.ly adv- h' v9 B/ d. ]" F' P0 Q9 t2 e& P

6 w7 u( \7 v0 U& m, Y) e7 rambiguity 1 a: the quality or state of being ambiguous esp. in meaning b: an ambiguous word or expression 2: uncertainty
- O/ [/ i9 e9 I- H& l. d9 K( b. d; ~4 E. x- r
 , }' g& @& x" B, n& W0 j) i' ]
; R; a$ x, T; x  o! b; ]/ X
7.【中文释义】在phaistos的Minoan 遗址所发现的独特的泥板通常被学者们举证为最早的印刷的例子,这些学者支持这泥板(第一块印刷品)的权利,尽管有很多同等的观点支持其它印刷的人工制品。8 F+ ~2 w& `9 _: u: E+ @' Q, ]
' y. D% b1 z; m1 x+ Q
【解题分析】by的解题方法又一次出现,by 前要填学者的动作,而by后告诉这个动作"defened its claim to this status"。its指代的是clay disk, claim的意思是“特性”, this status 指上文的"as the earliest example", 故下句明确说明学者们defend即支持clay disk 具有这种特征。所以上句仍应为学者们认可支持这种看法。事实上despite之后说得更明确,转折之后支持other printing artifacts, 所以上文的学者当然是支持上文的clay disk为earliest example.正确答案为c。 - q  C$ S. ]: g4 N; ?+ [) E+ q5 l

% R' {3 }& y9 y【重点词条】adduce : to offer as example, reason, or proof in discussion or analysis -- ad.duc.er n
1 ?- i" K* e6 d. X# r( ?- q' ]- L; f  O, g9 B! K" D$ X
concede 1: to grant as a right or privilege 2 a: to accept as true, valid, or accurate  b: to acknowledge grudgingly or hesitantly ~ vi: to make concession: yield syn see grant -- con.ced.ed.ly adv -- con.ced.er n
4 B; L7 {: I$ q* f6 E* K6 Z% k3 t" u$ f5 ]' H  P5 Q
* k8 ]# I. {+ p8 F7 u! u0 J* ?( e' X0 Y" V8 n
98年4月section 4; Z) f/ K: Z; W1 a0 g5 K$ m" k

1 b; X4 k6 Z" g5 a" `  i* }1 D' k% I3 _
1.【中文释义】违反道德准则的惩罚比遵守道德准则的奖励更普遍,因此,遵守准则在社会中总是不被人注意。% \6 y. }3 A. J! W

8 c: o2 k4 j+ V) \( D4 k【解题分析】分号句上句谈到了破坏和遵守道德准则两种行为,所以分号句下半句重复时,只有这两种可能性,可选b,d ,e;d 和e这两个选项都是讲破坏道德准则,所以应该遭受到惩罚,而第二个选项都未能表达出这个意思,b选项表达只遵守准则但却不受到表扬,也就是unnoticed. 正确答案是b。- f$ Y& e" X/ y- U; j

" h, K. j& K& G/ k* s* L! m : q, v$ o6 _- R6 @
4 W3 [. K: Q8 b2 ]1 A# [
2【中文释义】同情心是对正义的一个巨大的关怀:我们往往同情那些遭受无辜苦难的人。) l0 ?3 x$ i$ h7 ^% r* O
" [' i! E0 g3 ^4 z2 T% l
【解题分析】冒号后表示重复,pity即重复上文的compassion ,空格应该针对justise这个概念,故选e。
9 o% q4 D# ^( b/ L/ S
/ g0 u" j% r; l2 O  D/ |$ n【重点词条】unwittingly 1: not knowing: unaware  2: not intended: inadvertent  -- un.wit.ting.ly adv vicariously 1 a: serving instead of someone or something else b: that has been delegated  2: performed or suffered by one person as a substitute for another or to the benefit or advantage of another: substitutionary <a ~ sacrifice> 3: experienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation in the experience of another 4: occurring in an unexpected or abnormal part of the body instead of the usual one  -- vi.car.i.ous.ly adv -- vi.car.i.ous.ness n
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22 | 显示全部楼层


. p* r" E6 v" m0 a" n9 I
; a5 Y3 l; h0 R- Y( \! [  r. O4 R【解题分析】分析主干可知空格应和disdain for a systematic approach吻合,答案为e。7 @6 D; m6 }$ C0 ~6 e- ?- P
: b- V* m, _5 N5 f( t7 o' ~
【重点词条】meticulous : marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details syn see careful -- me.tic.u.los.i.ty n -- me.tic.u.lous.ly adv -- me.tic.u.lous.ness n
% M% F! A( O" @4 g% H. t- D9 U1 F' o$ A# ]1 `$ a0 i+ j) J$ T
haphazard : chance 2haphazard adj (1671): marked by lack of plan, order, or direction syn see random -- haphazard adv -- hap.haz.ard.ly adv -- hap.haz.ard.ness n -- hap.haz.ard.ry n 8 |5 D1 p  ~7 a1 N
  x3 _5 H  f- C- @2 L1 E
   ?* O- x: Y* {
' T9 F# r& q4 T2 g3 x
4【中文释义】与人们过去对待儿童学习语言行为的漠不关心构成了强烈的对比,这种学习发生的过程现在已经成为仔细研究的对象。& E6 m, x" Z8 ]# m

3 w2 b7 L" J8 m7 R【解题分析】第一空格后的with和regard构成词组regard with, 故第一空格填某种态度,第二空格填一种相反态度。构成一组相反态度的为b。
9 X$ u) M7 f' D2 d. A
' w9 T' |* C9 M+ a: e) r【重点词条】acquisition 1: the act of acquiring 2: something acquired or gained -- ac.qui.si.tion.al adj -- ac.quis.i.tor n
) Q; @0 D& M3 t. k4 r5 c/ a/ a
' i4 J% i. m/ _1 lscrutiny 1: a searching study, inquiry, or inspection: examination 2: a searching look 3: close watch: surveillance
% ~2 b( g# y9 W! I/ v' y+ e4 r* z% _7 S7 u
 - p. @( s# T, T" t5 A4 C7 _

) P; u% ^5 p9 t) J1 G5【中文释义】这位议员的声明 她对是否参加第二届连任竞选仍未下决心 是很可信的,考虑到她的竞选委员会的极为冷淡的集资活动。# @0 }8 c  T2 m( Z0 i1 O
  S& P: d8 L2 X( U+ v" H
【解题分析】given 表示因果关系,答案为 d 。, Q+ Y6 M8 a' w' Z, }( a
" G. j4 \' R2 E) \0 X% X5 z% ?
【重点词条】clandestine : marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy: surreptitious syn see secret -- clan.des.tine.ly adv -- clan.des.tine.ness n -- clan.des.tin.i.ty n/ t, D: ^( o) j. e8 E/ j7 L

. s) ]9 m5 C! t2 K2 y% p; u  bapathetic 1: having or showing little or no feeling or emotion: spiritless 2: having little or no interest or concern: indifferent syn see impassive -- ap.a.thet.i.cal.ly adv
: O3 q/ x2 Q* h7 ]. N
1 {! |  |" I2 s( J$ Rstraight.for.ward adj (1806) 1 a: free from evasiveness or obscurity: exact, candid <a ~ account> b: clear-cut, precise 2: proceeding in a straight course or manner: direct, undeviating -- straight.for.ward.ly adv -- straight.for.ward.ness n 2straightforward also straight.for.wards adv (1809): in a straightforward manner enerdetic 2 E/ J: P$ A  t( g
5 g7 B3 O! _! G& i7 Q
# h% _  s6 ?6 O- F% G; E/ _2 n
$ J9 _$ j8 T$ Q/ q6 ?0 L6【中文释义】直到最近,对糖尿病的研究一直作为一种抑制疾病的手段,尝试改进治疗效果,主要因为根本没有预防性的方案看上去是可行的。+ c: X( `7 F- z: U$ `4 N- i* C
( W+ w' h3 e8 a6 z+ y
【解题分析】as a kind of holding action修饰下文,holding action为抑制作用的意思。与下文的 preventive strategy相比:一个是疾病发生前的预防措施,另一个则应为疾病发生后的抑制疾病危害的治疗手段。第一空格为 d 。8 M! E. R: c$ V  o5 J5 z! e; k
& u0 i. M/ b9 |# |
【重点词条】 ( d0 n% e0 d8 m, O

% T  g3 d1 ]9 x) j! C' D4 m0 {, ?6 g1hold 0 m1 [8 x, v% w5 }, @4 m* |: j$ E; e
, q- r9 K7 W: W8 y0 Z& y
hold back vt (1535) 1: to hinder the progress or achievement of: restrain 2: to refrain from revealing or parting with ~ vi 1: to keep oneself in check 2: to refrain from revealing or parting with something / A% I7 Z( U+ P+ d$ @/ D
" H" S9 j; b  f  b5 v' x  F! j
hold-down n (1888) 1: something used to fasten an object in place 2 a: an act of holding down b: limit    ]+ u  q' P/ k4 }) t! S
$ m$ Y4 ?& g4 a; o! P) M) x
hold down vt (1533) 1: to keep within limits  2: to assume the responsibility for  
; ^/ Y3 |+ a4 E) L$ p. ~
& w8 @: l6 M4 G3 D; \# Jhold off vt (15c) 1: to block from an objective: delay 2: to defer action on: postpone 3: to fight to a standoff: withstand ~ vi: to defer or temporarily stop doing something , \9 o' p1 `& L. a9 T
' M  a$ A) H: f  c/ b
hold over vi (1647): to continue (as in office) for a prolonged period ~ vt 1 a: postpone, defer b: to retain in a condition or position from an earlier period 2: to prolong the engagement of  6 |/ ]1 }  W8 u+ R1 f' C& p

, q1 m3 @; p/ Z4 K& N' s# ]hold up vt (1851) 1: to rob at gunpoint 2: delay, impede 3: to call attention to: single out   ~ vi: to continue in the same condition without failing or losing effectiveness or force  3 F# g5 t+ _0 L3 g. ^+ {

. ]" \1 h3 z5 q* n9 ^6 T0 `hold on vi (13c) 1 a: to maintain a condition or position: persist b: to maintain a grasp on something: hang on 2: to await something (as a telephone connection) desired or requested; broadly: wait -- hold on to : to maintain possession of or adherence to ; v  c- G- D! R' K% q
& m& k3 l/ z3 q" K& k! q
hold out vi (1585) 1: to remain unsubdued or operative: continue to cope or function 2: to refuse to go along with others in a concerted action or to come to an agreement  ~ vt 1: to present as something realizable: proffer 2: to represent to be -- hold out on : to withhold something (as information) from
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:23 | 显示全部楼层


, U( z! C9 R9 Y8 v0 V, D( Y5 }9 D4 v7 g7 J
& Q# ?. m; b0 e& G1 S5 |, h" Y. {) U
【解题分析】第一空格后的介词短语为in their geographical distribution,故空格中所填的词为某种分布特征,进一步可知冒号后应从分布特征的角度去阅读。冒号前后表达的分布特征相同的是答案a。- r, d3 T0 n7 `! [
, S+ @6 \( \& `2 Y% E( ]
【重点词条】uniformity 1: the quality or state of being uniform 2: an instance of uniformity
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