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[GRE写作] GRE考试:issue官方范文(二)9

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) h" D( o/ o% X1 M5 J" j# G - P1 R) G0 Z7 k8 T5 h. g
  This is a seriously flawed response to the topic because the reasoning is weak and the ideas are unclear.2 z; W8 O4 K; Q- y% u% y$ U( P
; j, e5 M1 s; f
  The writer's position on the issue seems clear enough, but the essay presents few reasons to support that position.1 v% c9 I- @# v$ a

  F/ U/ Y" F9 V5 ?. M  And even those reasons are not explained clearly.
' o' G' a! H- c. T8 O& C' f
5 A( j0 E, s* }/ \% X# k0 w" s2 q  For example, the writer often refers to the means by which the media influence society (e.g., "such a way," "the nature by which," and "the way in which") but fails to explain what those ideas mean or why they are important.4 j1 z# {" M! v' b
, F; U3 y) @( m  }+ n( A
  The reasoning is both seriously limited and unclear.) Z; D5 K; _: B& s8 q
% h! _7 u7 d8 x' b) {8 h
  Problems in word choice frequently trip up the reader.( c7 s5 Y1 M7 h0 L4 R3 J) ?
; Z4 P( |/ H- v2 Y
  For example, "our society as a whole fuels the fire to which the media thrives on" is an interesting idea, but the reader has to hesitate at the intrusive "to which."
- ?( q% H0 S' g& o+ `
0 P# z. v& b6 t# _, [  The same is true of this statement: "the media is able to create any senses of values adaptable by our society."
" Q4 @0 {1 U3 J. ~ 5 m( I  [. a/ I
  Also, many basic errors occur throughout the essay: subject-verb agreement (first and last paragraphs), comma splice (third paragraph), "medias'" for "media's" (third paragraph), and "it's" for "its" (last paragraph).
7 M' y# K7 l2 b7 U. U7 w7 e 6 q# q6 h5 s3 i# b
  Both the lack of clear reasons and the poor use of language keep this essay at the 2 score level." z" M) I; W4 g. O$ ~+ X2 f2 Z

: a6 r4 Y- Y- w! x) b  1、
! K( z) R+ y) \% p5 h8 L, J; X 8 }& @* i7 c- G) @
  The media is important and there are commercials for business reasons and news and entertainment.* X' t( g% V8 w: {% U
7 q0 b9 Z+ G5 I! ]/ }1 F/ t
  For media to become mainstream, it must appeal to many people. The values expressed must be attractive to the audience, otherwise it will not sell. Example of specific media - Televison:
6 r) a% A1 o3 V2 P1 H3 s& F # V8 Q$ N# D! t+ a4 g
  Television rates each show by the number of viewers.
! F) `1 F/ r9 L: @5 D8 F
3 Q' c& W$ ]0 |; f( |  Shows that do not have a large audience are usually cancelled and then they can allow time for a new show.* @* d5 K" k. k9 u+ x

: `0 a+ }; Z$ ^( {: n% o2 {- u* n- E  Successful shows are duplicated.
# z  W8 Q7 r0 S: d
; |3 Y% `2 \- l& g4 m/ d9 [3 r" e1 h6 z  For example, Star Trek was successful so it is the creation of many new Star Trek shows (Deep Space Nine, Voyager).8 Q' ~- ^6 T- F5 z( I% J
: v# ^/ W6 r4 K4 w) a
  Veiwers decide which shows stay or leave.
. Q9 h) R3 |& I
  j1 Q& L( ~3 w& @0 t7 v7 D3 h  What makes a successful or unsuccessful show?

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