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[GRE写作] GRE写作绝佳300句(28)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 271. Television violence has contributed directly to rising crime , as evidenced by statistics showing a dramatic rise in copycat crimes .  
# K( p7 D' r4 ~. y, Y# k  数据显示模仿的犯罪行为有大幅度的增加,这证明电视暴力是犯罪增加的一部分直接原因。
6 E3 E) J% _% M- g) Y- w; }/ O 3 G5 i$ ]. a% {6 V, A9 i- M  {
  272. The introduction of adcance agronomic techniques has contributed greatly to the development of agriculture , as indicated by statistics showing increased output in each of the past five years .' i5 u; x& W0 j  N5 n

% J! z0 k3 D7 R& ]% U  数据显示在过去的五年中,每一年的产量都有提高,这表明发达的农业技术的引入对农业发展起到了很大的作用。4 ^' g. u5 \0 d( ?- r; I

) l+ I. E: b& c# ^  273. While it may appear that the gap between rich and poor people is narrowing somewhat , recently released evidence suggests that the opposite is true .
4 L4 V$ a3 _# @- Y/ K' V / J( @7 D5 ?4 ^, z# u" }
  贫富之间的差距看似有一定的缩小,但是最近发布的证据表明事实正好相反。8 x1 T3 Y' Y0 Z8 I! z

" s  X( n+ \8 N" S5 g0 u) [  274. While attaining world peace remains within the realm of possibility , the prevailing trend revolves around regional conflicts and internal strife in many countries .( e* R& q+ }  q. Z$ B  t
* u" M* N; y' F5 j) `0 w
  获得世界和平是有可能的,但是普遍的趋势是存在地区冲突和许多国家内部的斗争。# C# h' B( ~# C
1 I. }: `2 l' B1 P* }
  275. Although statistics are quite often far less reliable than one might wish , other reliable information allows one to closely approximate industrial output figures .0 O* _& y5 \9 M6 ?% i8 T7 n

- Z8 k9 n) A' s  y7 B5 F  尽管数据经常比人们希望的不可靠得多,但是,其他可靠的信息使人们能得到接近工业产量的数字。' f8 P1 ~$ k- _3 t6 Z

7 N6 G  t& ?% w! {0 j  276. Although random sampling used for many surveys fails to cover large segments of the population , the procedure nonetheless offers insight into voting and consumption patterns .
- d0 Y1 v: J) {0 U& ]) ~# T
) r% D1 ^8 s2 N5 w, |: C( u  虽然许多调查所用的随机取样不能覆盖大部分人口,但是这一过程使人们能更深刻地理解选举和消费的模式。5 [( F  X5 W: \+ Q$ h  |  s

4 R) M/ O4 x- A; U0 G: f  277. The need for more government services has proved to be the case time and again .# o. A- M( c/ Z% N

: W: W+ R8 ^) E6 b  事实多次证明需要更多的政府服务工作。
5 X0 Q, L. j6 y- O* l& n, O
) O4 K4 E. T! G) t2 y8 J& ~  278. The funny thing about marriage is that the newness soon wears off .
3 c- g# e$ a0 t4 M ; k3 a- T- f/ |% ]& S7 W
  婚姻的一个可笑之处是新鲜感马上就没有了。6 ?& A" j3 z: ^/ x7 _

, l- A; o$ @6 a+ s9 O4 A  279. There are instances when one must abandon the tendency for self-prevention in order to assist a person in grave danger ." z( p: [8 d7 n% e* d6 L

2 i7 P/ L/ c- {$ A8 x$ J: V  存在这样的情况:为了帮助处于严重危险中的人,一个人必需抛弃自保的倾向。

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